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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1622626931
Added Wed, 02/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.12.2003 16:00
United Kingdom

The bright object, spotted northwest of Cardiff at about 45 degrees above the horizon, first spotted 10 minutes before dusk, is clearly visible and brighter than the moon and nearby street lights in weak daylight. It continued to shine brightly at night. The object didn't move for 45 minutes to an hour, and then just disappeared. 

The object was not an airplane, as it was not moving. This object was not a star or a planet, as recently I have been eagerly watching this part of the sky to see how Mars is approaching the Earth. So I got very familiar with this part of the night sky. 

At some point, some clouds passed in front of the object and it was darkened and therefore had to be some distance away. The object did change in size and intensity once or twice. 

It was a bright round light, similar to the light emitted when burning tungsten (like an incandescent lamp). The only explanation I could think of was the helicopter, as it was not moving, although I have observed one (police officer) on the spot many times at night and have not seen anything similar in appearance. I have no idea of the size or distance, it seemed like it was far away, over areas of local towns - maybe Barry or Cowbridge. 

I only report this because I know that if everything was as it seemed, I'm sure there would be many more detailed reports from these areas, and just wanted to confirm any reports that came in. It was very unusual, and I can't explain it. 

PS I am skeptical about all this, but I watched it for an hour. There is no camera at home!!

Original news

Date: December 11 2003
Location: Cardiff UK/Wales
Time: 16:00
Summary: bright object noticed to north west of cardiff about 45 degrees above horizon first sighted at 10 minutes before dusk, clearly visible and brighter than the moon and nearby street lights during fading daylight. it continued to shine brightly into nighttime. The object did not move for around 45 mins to an hour then just disappeared. The object was not a plane as no movement. The object was not a star or planet as I have been avidly watching this part of the sky recently to see mars approach to earth. I have therefore become very familiar with that part of the night sky. at one point some clouds went in front of the object and it was obscured and therefore had to be some distance away. The object did vary in size and intensity once or twice. It was a bright circular light that seemed to be the sort of light emitted when you burn tungsten. The only explanation I could think of was a helicopter as it didi not move though I have observed one (the police one) locally at night on many occasions and saw nothing in its appearance similar. I have no idea of size or distance did seem to be far away, over the areas of local towns- maybe Barry or Cowbridge. I am only reporting this as I know if it was as it appeared I am sure there will be many more detailed reports from those areas and just wanted to corroborate any reports that came in. It was very unusual and I am at a loss to explain it. PS I am sceptical of all this but I did watch it for an hour. No camera at home though!!
Source: NUFORC


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