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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Gnome. Philippines

ID #1622658742
Added Wed, 02/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
01.2004 12:00

At Rizal Elementary School, 4th grade counselor Hermi Orieno asked her students to clean up the area. When the students were cleaning the acacia tree, some of them saw two dwarves in green and blue clothes near the trunk of the tree. Later, other students also saw dwarves in the nearby bushes. 

The dwarves talked to the children and told them their names were Wendy and Wendell. They asked the children not to hurt them because they didn't want to hurt them. In fact, they helped the children clean up the place. When they were approached by other children, such as Grace Castillo (9 years old), Myrna Salaver (9 years old), Charmaine Clarin (10 years old), and Sandy, they also saw the dwarves. Sandy even gave them cookies, which the dwarves ate. The children saw how the cookies got smaller as the dwarves ate. 

Then there was another one, 10-year-old Kent Gray, who couldn't see the dwarves. He was angry that others could see them, but he couldn't. In desperation, he took out a stick and asked the girls where the dwarves were. He started to hit the ground with his stick, accidentally hitting one of the dwarves, breaking his leg. 

When the other children saw what had happened to the dwarf, they reported it to Mrs. Orieno. She jumped out, but didn't see the dwarf. Then one of the girls pointed to a leaf that was moving while the others around it remained motionless, and told her teacher that the dwarves were at that leaf. 

Meanwhile, Kent's parents took him to a local "albulario" or medicine man so that he wouldn't get hurt by the dwarf. According to Orieno, almost half of her class had seen dwarves. Some students from the other section also did it. The dwarves were described as wearing pointed hats and bright clothing in blue, green, and red. 

The children also saw a dwarf mother with a male child. She was wearing a red dress. According to Sandy, who seemed to see the creatures most clearly, there were only two dwarves at first. After Kent hit one of them and he fell to the ground, the others came out of hiding and surrounded the victim. The head dwarf with a long beard and black clothes was very angry. Miss Orieno, although she couldn't see anything, apologized to the dwarves for what had happened and asked them not to retaliate because Kent couldn't see them. Charmain, who had seen what had happened, began to cry when she saw the other dwarves crying. 

The dwarves told the girls not to tell the others that they had seen them. They didn't explain why. Other children, especially boys, said they also saw "angels" descending from the sky. They described the creatures as beautiful, with wings and very curly hair that reached to their shoulders. The angels were naked except for a piece of cloth covering their thighs. They didn't say anything to the children, who estimated their height at three feet (0.9 m).

Original news

Location. Iloilo, Philippines
Date: January 16 2004
Time: early afternoon
At the Rizal Elementary School grade 4-faculty advisor Hermie Orieno asked her students to clean the grounds. As the students cleaned around an acacia, some of them saw two dwarves in green and blue clothes near the trunk of a tree. Later, other students also saw dwarves in nearby shrubs. The dwarves talked to the children and said their names were Wendy and Wendell. They asked the children not to hurt them because they didn’t mean them harm. In fact, they helped the children clean the place. As other children, like Divine Grace Castillo, 9, Myrna Salaver, 9, Charmaine Clarin, 10, and Sandy approached, they also saw the dwarves. Sandy even gave them a biscuit, which the dwarves ate. The children saw the biscuit become smaller as the dwarves ate. Then along came another student, Kent Grey, 10, who couldn’t see the dwarves. He was angry that the others could see them but he could not. In his frustration, he got a stick, asked the girls where the dwarves were. He started hitting the ground with the stick, accidentally hitting one of the dwarves, breaking his leg. When the other children saw what happened to the dwarf, they reported it to Ms. Orieno. She rushed out but could not see the dwarf. Then one of the girls pointed to a leaf that was moving while the others around it remained still and told her teacher that the dwarves were by that leaf. In the meantime, Kent was taken by his parents to a local “albulario” or witch doctor to prevent him from being harmed by the dwarf. According to Ms. Orieno, almost half of her class saw the dwarves. Some students in another section also did. The dwarves were described as wearing pointed hats and colorful clothes of blue, green and red. The children also saw a mother dwarf with a male child. She wore a red dress. According to Sandy who seemed to be the one who saw the creatures most clearly, there were at first only two dwarves. After Kent hit one of them and it fell to the ground, others came out of hiding and surrounded the victim. The head dwarf, who had a long beard and wore black clothes, was very angry. Ms. Orieno although she could not see anything, apologized to the dwarves for what happened and asked them not to retaliate because Kent could not see them. Charmaine, who saw what happened, cried when she saw the other dwarves crying. The dwarves told the girls not to tell others that they saw them. They didn’t explain why. Other children, especially the boys said they also saw what appeared to be “angels” coming down from the sky. They described the creatures as beautiful, with wings and very curly hair reaching down to their shoulders. The angels were naked except for a piece of cloth covering their hips down. They said nothing to the children, who estimated their size to be three feet.

Source: Jaime Licauco, Inquirer News Service, Philippines 22-1.htm


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