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34963 facts from 176 countries related to 1184 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2823 of them were solved, another 10898 are under verification for compliance with one of the 321 versions.

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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1623161729
Added Tue, 08/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
30.11.2004 18:00
Меса, AZ
United States

On Tuesday, November 30, around 18: 00-18: 30, I was walking down the stairs from my apartment and heading to my car. I was still on the steps of the third floor when I looked to the west, into the sky, and saw something very amazing! I saw a V-shaped ship with yellowish reflectors or lights heading east. He was flying at the same speed as the plane. 

I thought to myself:

"Is it a flock of birds? Is this a plane?»

 I watched it fly over my head and kept blinking and moving them because I was amazed at what I saw. If it was a flock of birds, I expected them, as always, to move in a different direction. I also looked for the flashing red lights that planes have. There was neither.... It was weird, because if you don't look up, you won't notice it, because the lights were very dimly lit or they reminded me of reflectors, and the object itself was almost translucent, although you can tell it was like a matte black color. 

Most of all, it reminded me of a creature from the movie "Predator", which looked... as if reflecting its surroundings, but still you can still see the shape and color. It was still light, and I could see a shape that looked like the letter "V" ... with lights under it or reflectors. It flew at a speed like an airplane, then picked up speed ... before disappearing, he fell (like a fighter pilot for fun), then POOF ... he disappeared into thin air. 

There was a plane coming towards him, and I thought he might hit it, but he was gone. I KNOW the pilot must have seen it.

Original news

Date: November 30 2004
Location: Mesa, Arizona
Time: 18:00
Summary: On Tuesday Nov 30th around 6:00-6:30pm I was walking down the stairs from my apartment heading to my car. I was still on the third floor steps when I looked west up to the sky and i saw something very amazing! I saw a “V” shaped craft with yellowish reflectors or lights heading east. It was going the same speed as a plane. I thought to myself “are those a flock of bird? Is it a plane?” I watched it go by over my head and kept blinking my eyes and shifting them because i was amazed at what i saw. If it was a flock of birds i was waiting for them to move a different direction as they always do. I also looked for the blinking red lights that they have on a planes. It didn’t do or have either…. It was weird because if you didn’t look up you wouldnt notice it since the lights were very dimly lit or they kinda reminded me of reflectors and the Craft itself was almost translucent although you can tell it was like matted black color. What it reminded me the most was the creature in the movie “Predator” looked like… sort of reflecting its surroundings, but yet you still are able to see the shape and color. It was still light out and i was able to see the shape which was like a “V”… with lights under it or reflectors. It was going at a speed as a plane then it speeded up … before it disappeared it tumbled (like a fighter jet pilot would do for fun) then POOF… it disappeared into thin air. There was a plane heading towards it and i thought it might hit it, but it disappeared. I KNOW that pilot had to have seen it
Source: Davenport, Peter


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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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