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UFO. Kyrgyzstan

ID #1623169147
Added Tue, 08/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
05.12.2004 22:20

I went out on the balcony to smoke a cigarette. I looked up at the sky and at first thought it was a very bright star above one of the trees, not far away. I was surprised by its color change-pink, yellow, green. I thought:

"Wow, what a beautiful star, and it sparkles! When I looked at the other stars, they were all dim, so far away and still. And this one was alive." 

As I continued to watch, I realized that it was moving slowly and that different-sized beams of light were coming out of it. It was like a miniature lightning bolt, only it didn't disappear. I couldn't see its shape or the details of the ship, I could only see the rays of light going far away from it. He stayed there for a couple of hours, and during that time he traveled a considerable distance. 

From my position, I had to walk two meters from my original position to continue observing. His path was not straight, as he made small movements and circles. I didn't wait until the end and fell asleep. 

He was in the sky for about two hours. Most of the other people were asleep at the time, so I don't know anyone who saw it. This was my first encounter with a UFO. 

I have a Master of Arts degree, I have never experienced hallucinations, taken drugs or anything else.

Original news

Date: December 5 2004
Location: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Time: 22:20
Summary: I went to my balcony to smoke a cigarette. I looked into the sky, and at first I thought it was a very bright star above one of the trees, not too far away. I was surprised by its changing colors – pink, yellow, green. I thought: “Wow, what a beautiful star, and it’s sparkling! When I looked at other stars, they all were dim, and so far away, and motioneless. And this one was alive. As I kept watching, I realized that it was moving slowly and rays of light of different size came out of it. It looked like a miniature lightning, only it was not dissappearing. I couldn’t see the shape of it or details of the craft, I could only see the rays of light, stretching far out of it. It was there for a couple of hours and during that time, it has moved a considerable distance. From my place I had to walk two meters from my original position to be able to keep watching it. Its path wasn’t straight, as it was making small moves and circles around. I didn’t wait until the end, and went to sleep. It was in the sky for about two hours. Most of other people were sleeping at the time, so, I don’t know anyone else who’d seen it also. This was my first encounter with UFO. I have a Master’s degree in humanities, have never hallucinated or been on drugs or anything.


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