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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1623852104
Added Wed, 16/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
25.05.2006 00:55
United Kingdom

Several glowing objects are seen in the night sky (note to recipient: I am sending this again because on the confirmation page I saw that my apostrophes were displayed incorrectly when I copied and pasted the report from Microsoft Word. Please accept my apologies)

I would like to report on a series of object sightings that occurred early last Thursday morning. I would have reported it on Thursday, but unfortunately I didn't have time. 

This morning (Friday) I have again observed several luminous objects, and I will fill out a separate report on this. As I mentioned in one previous report that I sent to your website (19.02.05), since I studied astronomy for many years and still enjoy it as a hobby, I am familiar with the sky and its phenomena. are present, and are also aware of optical illusions like the one that occurs when you look at a star for a few seconds and it seems to jump in place. I also have very good vision (20/10). I'm just saying this to let you know what an observer I am. 

Observations began at 00: 55 on Thursday morning. when I went to bed. I sleep with the curtains open, and since my bed is right next to the window, I sometimes look up at the sky before going to bed. I live in the Scottish countryside, where there is little light pollution, so we have fantastic nights without clouds. This night was perfectly clear and stayed that way until sunrise, which is very early in the summer here (it's around 04:30 now, so I have a viewing window). 

My attention was drawn to a bright object moving in a south-east-north-west direction. It was just a white light the size of a star with no other light source on it or around it, and it was moving slightly faster than the plane could have moved at that estimated altitude. It then emitted a bright flash the size of a pinky nail at arm's length, which was about twice the size of Sirius'. It lasted for 1 second, then it continued on its course until it flew over my house and was out of sight. At this time, I didn't hear any noise from the sky.

I immediately jumped up and picked up a pen and paper from the table in my room, in case any other items appeared and I could write down something of note. 

After about 1 minute, I saw two other objects moving in the same direction as this previous object. They were also the size of a star and consisted only of a point of white light, however, these two stars were smaller in magnitude than the first. They were flying very close to each other, two cents apart at arm's length. I continued to watch them until they were out of sight. I didn't have a digital camera or binoculars in my room at the time, but I was so caught up in it that I couldn't take my eyes off it. 

I started needing the toilet in the middle of the night, but even then I didn't dare leave. Anyway, I knew that my camera's memory was full and the battery wasn't charged (although the video feature doesn't give a good video of the night sky anyway). 

From that moment on, these objects continued to appear, one by one, over and over again that night. Their height and magnitude varied, but they were all just dots of white light without the marker lights that an airplane would have (I confirmed this the next night with my binoculars). I wrote down the details as I went along, but I worked with almost no light, except for the light that came from outside, so my notes are not as complete as the next night, when I had an Indiglo lantern that I turned on every time.

I needed to write something, and I was able to write down the exact time and title of each object. After one object disappeared from view, I looked at the center of the sky, let everything fall out of focus, and waited for moving points of light to appear. When one appeared, I followed it until it disappeared, and so on.

The object headings were mostly southeast-northwest and west-east. In total, I counted 14 such objects and up to 3 unusual (seemingly) ordinary aircraft. 

After the 2nd and 3rd objects I mentioned appear together, a new object will appear about every 5 minutes for the first half of the group or so (the intervals increase over time) and move around one of the headers mentioned above as long as it was out of view. Their movements were direct and precise, though faster than those of a passenger plane. Their speed and magnitude will be different. One object deserves special attention, the 11th object. 

It appeared very low in the sky, at an altitude of about 10 degrees, then began to move vertically upwards. It did not move straight up, but seemed to move from side to side in an aberrant motion, even going down a little once before moving up. After it reached about 30 degrees in the sky, it flew down again at a tremendous speed, accompanied by a streak of bright white light, brighter than Sirius. After that, he disappeared. 

It went the distance from about the tip of my thumb to my wrist, held at arm's length, in less than 1 second. After that, there was another white object, the same in appearance as the previous one, then I noticed something that looked like an airplane flying in my direction (southeast-northwest) from where the bright object was. As it approached, I could hear it, and there were green and red marker lights on its right and left fenders, respectively. It also had a very large (about the size of a tack head held at arm's length) pulsing white light on the underside of its fuselage. 

I haven't seen this type of light on airplanes before, but I'm not an expert on airplane lighting. I estimate that it flew over my house at an altitude of at least 10,000 feet. I could hear it in the sky after it flew past my house until its noise disappeared out of reach.

I should note that passenger planes are not as common in our region as others, perhaps due to our location relative to the country's airports, as well as the route of other flight routes passing over the country. It seems that there are never any contrails in our sky. 

Planes of any type are unusual, with the exception of fighter jets from a nearby air force base, especially at night (I hear occasional passenger planes during the day when they do pass, but almost never for some reason at night, even when I'm very late), and so one of these displays was even more bizarre. I had to see what was either the same plane making more passes, or 1 or 2 other planes of the same type making passes, twice later that night. 

It is impossible to say whether it was the same ship as the first time I saw it, it passed over my house, and all the time I had no visual contact with it. 

I happened to notice the flight time of this ship, and it was at 02: 04. The second and third planes, the last objects I saw that night, appeared at the points 02: 53 and 02: 58 respectively, both heading from west to east. The last white object I saw was at 02: 35, and I went to bed shortly after 03: 00. I was struck by the number and behavior of these objects. 

I've watched meteor showers before and I knew they weren't meteors. The fact that the two white objects, which in particular displayed remarkable characteristics, were identical to the myriad other white objects makes it difficult for me at the moment to recognize that these other objects were ordinary aircraft. 

I should note that about 10 km to the north-east of here is the RAF Leuchars Air Force Base. Their fighters can be seen and heard here every day, but never at night, and they make considerable noise even at high altitude. The average height of the objects was difficult to determine. They could be small objects quite close, or large objects much further away. My best estimate would be between 20,000 and 30,000 feet.

I am not here to tell you definitively what these objects were, as I cannot say, but only to convey this information. I will continue to monitor the sky here and report any other activity.

Original news

Date: May 25 2006
Location: England
Time: 00:55
Summary: Multiple luminous objects sighted in night sky
(Note to receiver: I am sending this again because I saw in the confirmation page that my apostrophes didn’t display correctly as I copied and pasted the report from Microsoft Word. Please accept my apologies.)
I would like to report a series of object sightings that took place in the early hours of this past Thursday morning. I would have reported it on Thursday, but unfortunately did not have the time to do so. I observed multiple luminous objects again this (Friday) morning, and will fill out a separate report for this. As I mentioned in the one previous report I sent to your website (2/19/05), as I was an astronomy student for many years, and still enjoy it as a hobby, I am familiar with the sky and the phenomena it can present, and also know about optical illusions like the one that occurs when you stare at a star for a few seconds and it appears to jump around in place. I also have very good eyesight (20/10). I say these things merely to let you know the type of observer I am. The sightings began at 0055 on Thursday morning, when I was settling into bed. I sleep with my curtains open, and as my bed is right next to my window, I sometimes look at the sky before I go to sleep. I live out in the Scottish countryside, where there is little light pollution, so we get some fantastic nights when the clouds stay off. This night was a totally clear night and remained so until sunrise, which is very early here in the summer (about 0430 right now, so my viewing window is short). A bright object moving in a southeast-northwesterly direction caught my eye. It was simply a white light the size of a star with no other light on or around it, and it moved slightly faster than an airplane would have at that estimated altitude. It then gave off a bright flash the size of a pinkie fingernail held at arm’s length that was about twice the magnitude of Sirius. This lasted 1 second, then it continued on its course until it flew over my house and out of sight. I could hear no noise coming from the sky at this time.

I immediately jumped up and grabbed a pen and paper from the table in my room in case any other objects appeared and I could write down anything noteworthy. Approximately 1 minute later, I saw two other objects heading in the same direction as this previous object. They were also both the size of a star and consisted of nothing but a point of white light, however, these 2 were lower in magnitude than the first. They flew very close to one another, a distance of 2 dimes held at arm’s length. I continued to watch them until they disappeared out of sight. I did not have my digital camera or my binoculars in my room at this point, but I was so riveted by this that I could not bear to turn my eyes away. I started to need to use the toilet halfway through the night, but did not dare leave then, either. In any case, I knew that my camera’s memory was full and its battery was not charged (though its video feature does not produce good video of the night sky anyway).  From this point on, these objects continued to appear, one after the other, again and again that night. Their altitudes and magnitudes varied, but they were all simply points of white light with no position lights that an aircraft would have (I confirmed this the following night with my binoculars). I jotted down details as I went along, but I was working in almost no light, except the light that was coming from outside, so my notes are not as thorough as the next night, when I had an Indiglo light that I turned on whenever I needed to write something, and was able to record the exact time and heading of each object.  After one object had disappeared from view, I would stare at the center of the sky, let everything fall out of focus, and wait for any moving points of light to appear. When one appeared, I would then follow that one until it disappeared, and so on.

The headings of the objects were mainly southeast-northwest and west-east. In total, I counted 14 of these objects and up to 3 unusual (what appeared to be) conventional aircraft. After the 2nd and 3rd objects I mentioned that appeared together, a new object would appear approximately every 5 minutes for the first half of the group or so (the intervals grew as time went on), and travel in one of the headings mentioned above until it was out of sight. Their movements were straight and precise, though faster than a passenger airplane. Their speeds and magnitudes would vary. One object, the 11th object, was particularly noteworthy. It seemed to appear very low in the sky, at about 10 degrees elevation, then began moving vertically upwards. It did not move straight up, but in a sort of side to side aberrant motion, even one time moving down a little before moving up. After it had reached about 30 degrees in the sky, it travelled straight down again at tremendous speed accompanied by a streak of bright white light, brighter than Sirius. It disappeared after this. It travelled a distance of about from the tip of my thumb to my wrist held at arm’s length in less than 1 second. There was another white object after this, same in appearance as the previous, then I noticed what appeared to be an aircraft flying towards my direction (southeast-northwest) from where the bright object was. As it approached I could hear it, and it had green and red position lights on its right and left wings, respectively. It also had a very large (the size of the head of a tack held at arm’s length), pulsating white light on the underside of its fuselage. I have not seen this type of light on an aircraft before, but I am not an expert on aircraft lighting. It flew over my house at an altitude of at least 10,000 feet, I would estimate. I could hear it in the sky after it flew past my house, until its noise faded out of range.

I should note that passenger aircraft are not that common in our area as others, perhaps due to our location relative to the airports in the country as well as the path of other flight routes passing over the country. Our sky never seems to have any contrails in it. An aircraft of any type is uncommon, save for the fighter jets from the nearby air force base, especially at night (I hear the occasional passenger aircraft during the day when they do pass, but almost never night for some reason, even when I am up very late), and therefore one of this appearance was even more bizarre. I was to see what was either the same aircraft making more passes, or 1 or 2 other aircraft of the same type making passes, twice later on that night. It is impossible to say if it was the same craft as the first time I saw it, it passed over my house and I did not have visual contact with it the entire time. I happened to note the time of this craft, and that was at 0204. The second and third planes, the last objects I saw that night, appeared at 0253 and 0258 respectively, both heading west-east. The last white object I saw was at 0235, and I went to bed shortly after 0300. The number and behaviour of these objects is what astounded me. I have watched meteor showers before and knew they weren’t meteors. The fact that the two white objects that in particular displayed remarkable characteristics were identical to the myriad of other white objects makes it hard for me to accept at the present moment that these other objects were conventional aircraft. I should note that there is an air force base, RAF Leuchars, approximately 10 km to the northeast of here. Their fighter jets can be seen and heard flying in the skies here every day, but never at night, and make a considerable noise even when at high altitudes. The average altitude of the objects was hard to determine. They could have been small objects quite close, or large objects considerably far away. My best estimate would be between 20,000 and 30,000 feet.
I am not here to report conclusively what the objects were, as I cannot say this, but only to pass on this information. I will continue to monitor the sky here and report any other activity.
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: () Vehicle: Shtil-1 Payload: Kompas 2 (Compass 2)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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