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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1623927022
Added Thu, 17/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
01.07.2011 00:00
Монток, NY
United States

Three friends and I went to Montauk for the weekend of July 4, 2011. We arrived on the evening of Friday 1 July around 21: 00 and checked into our motel - daunt's albatross. 

We called a taxi to go to dinner in the city, and had to wait about 15 minutes for it to arrive. it was during these 15 minutes that the observation occurred. we stood on the road in the dark and admired the sky and all the stars we could see. Then, suddenly, a fireball appeared, ripping the sky above us. 

We all turned to each other and asked if everyone was seeing the same thing, which we confirmed. the fireball just hovered in the dark night sky like a flame for a couple of minutes. 

I don't remember if we took the picture or not, but I don't have it anymore, even if we did. after a couple of minutes of conversation, the fireball quickly disappeared into the night sky.

We searched the news for reports of explosions or any other things to explain what we saw, but we didn't find it. We discussed how crazy what we saw was, and everyone agreed that it was unlike anything we had ever seen before.

Original news

Date: July 1 2011
Location:  Montauk, New York
Time:  00:00:00
Summary:  Three friends and i went to montauk for the 4th of july weekend in 2011. we arrived in the evening on friday july 1 around 9pm and checked in to our motel – daunt’s albatross. we called a cab to go to dinner in the city and had to wait for about 15 minutes for the cab to arrive. it was during these 15 minutes that the sighting occurred. we were standing on the road, in the dark, and we were marvelling at the sky and all the stars we could see. then, all of a sudden, a fireball appeared to tear open the sky above us. we all remarked to each other and asked if everyone was seeing the same thing, which we confirmed. the fireball simply hovered in the dark night sky like a flame for a couple minutes. i don’t remember if we took a picture or not, but i don’t have one anymore even if we did. after a couple minutes of chatting, the fireball quickly disappeared into the night sky. we looked in the news for any reports of an explosion or some other thing to explain what we’d seen but we did not find any. we discussed how crazy what we had seen was, and all agreed that it was unlike anything we’d ever seen before.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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