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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1624096599
Added Sat, 19/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.2014 21:30
United Kingdom

It was a long time ago, but the intrigue is still strong. I was standing in the back of the house I lived in, behind the French doors. there was a light in the room behind me. In front of me were large open fields surrounded by trees without artificial lighting. It was a very clear and dark night ... I was smoking a cigarette and just enjoying the peace and quiet. 

I noticed a black object, and since in black it was the blackest thing I had ever seen, it stood out against the dark sky, very visible to the naked eye. he was slowly approaching me. there was no light in it, only a bright black color. I must admit, I panicked at first, and my skin crawled. 

I started shouting frantically to raise the alarm among the others in the house. My wife was yelling at me to make no noise. I managed to get a witness from my 15-year-old niece, who immediately saw the object. 

We watched it get closer and closer. It was huge, nothing made by man so black and moving so slowly. It came closer and closer, and then just moved smoothly from right to left, slowly passing and disappearing from view. 

I have tried to find information about this, but have not seen passages closer than 300,000 feet listed as described items with a black surface.

I know it was a long time ago, but there were errors from time to time, so I thought I'd share.... I would only like to have a decent camera to try and capture images.

Original news

Date: November  2014
Location:  Launceston Cornwall
Time:   around 21:30
Summary:   This was a while ago but intrigue is still strong. I was standing at the rear of the house I was living in outside the french doors. the light was on in the room behind me. facing me was large open fields surrounded by trees with no artificial light. it was a very clear and dark night….I was smoking a cigarette and was just enjoying the peace and quiet. I noticed a black object and as in black this was the blackest thing I have ever seen, it stood out in the dark sky very visible to the naked eye. it was coming towards me in a slow manner. there was no lights to it just vivid black. must admit I did panic at first and got goose bumps. I started shouting frantically to raise alert with others in the house. My wife shouted at me to keep the noise down. I did manage to get a witness my 15 year old niece who saw the object straight away. We watched as this drew closer and closer. It was huge nothing man made so black and moving so slow. It came closer and closer and then just gently drifted from right to left slowly passing and disappearing from view. I have tried to find information on this but have not seen any passings closer than 300 000 feet listed as described items with a black surface. this was so much closer than that figure I actually thought it may continue on the heading and make contact somewhere before it changed direction. I know this is a while ago but its been bugging from time to time so thought I would share….only wished I had a decent camera to try and capture images.
Source: Billy Dawson


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