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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1624393007
Added Tue, 22/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Парк Секвойя, CA
United States

This UFO sighting was documented on December 6 at 17: 00, just as we were getting ready to go home, and as they like to do, we saw that one of the many anomalies we encounter in our meetings appeared when we least expected it.

We were about to put our cameras away when Efren (Eagle Eyes) spotted this bright object sitting high in the sky brighter than anything else we had seen that day. We quickly ran into the action as soon as he called us and pointed out to the others where the object was, as soon as we spotted it, Kelly managed to capture it on her film. I tried it myself, but realized that I don't have a memory card, so you see me running away from my camera in a hurry to get it back on video, after I run, Yasmin Joyner manages to capture this anomaly with her camera and document it at the same time.

As Kelly, I go back to my camera and fill up the missing memory card slot for my Canon T3i and start taking aim and looking around

An unidentified object so that I could document it, when I managed to capture it, so Kelly and Yas were recording it, it was at this point that we witnessed this object disappear before our eyes, and the lenses were documenting it all on 2 Nikon 90s and my Canon, which I call Hubert.

Original news

Date: December 6 2015
Location:   sequoia park, Monterrey park ca
Summary:   This UFO Sighting was Documented on December 6th at 5pm Just when we were packing up to go home, and just like they like to do we saw one of the numerous anomalies we we encounter at our meetups show up when we were least expecting it. We were about to put our cameras away when Efren(Eagle Eyes) Spots this bright object sitting high in the sky brighter than anything else we witnessed that day, We quickly ran into action once he called us in and pointed it out to the rest of us where the object was, once we spotted it Kelly managed to get it on her film, I Myself tried but realized i didn’t have my memory card which is why you see me run away from my camera in a haste to retrieve it in the video, after i run Yasmin Joyner Manages to film this anomaly with her camera and documented it the same time as Kelly is, I in this time make it back to my camera and replenish the missing memory card slot for my Canon T3i and start aiming and scoping down the Unidentified Object so I can document itl, when I managed to get a lock on it so were Kelly And Yas recording it, it was at this moment that we witnessed this object disappear Before our Eyes and Lenses Documenting the entire thing on 2 Nikon 90′s and my Canon I call Hubert.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Vehicle: Atlas-5(401) Payload: Cygnus CRS-4 (OA 4, SS Deke Slayton 2) SIMPL AggieSat 4 Bevo 2 MinXSS 1 CADRE STMSat 1 Nodes 1 Nodes 2 Flock-2e 1 (Dove 0C37) Flock-2e 2 (Dove 0C78) Flock-2e 3 (Dove 0C60) Flock-2e 4 (Dove 0C41) Flock-2e 5 (Dove 0C43) Flock-2e 6 (Dove 0C75) Flock-2e 7 (Dove 0C24) Flock-2e 8 (Dove 0C2B) Flock-2e 9 (Dove 0C14) Flock-2e 10 (Dove 0C82) Flock-2e 11 (Dove 0C13) Flock-2e 12 (Dove 0C79) SNAPS


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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