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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1624433342
Added Wed, 23/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.11.2015 18:30
Западный Кэрроллтон, OH
United States

A man from West Carrollton, Ohio, reported seeing two spinning UFOs in the shape of gems and recorded them on video moving in formation. 

The witness was smoking in the street when he saw two lights above the tree line at about 18: 30 on November 7, 2015. The witness stated that the two unknown aircraft were moving in a straight and smooth trajectory from the northwest to the southeast. 

The two rotating gem-shaped objects flew without sound, and the witness, who claimed to have a military background, was unable to identify the objects. 

Although the UFOs did not move at an unusual speed or perform unusual maneuvers, they suspiciously disappeared so quickly after passing the witness ' position as he was looking south. The witness claimed to have been an aircraft mechanic for more than three decades, including nearly five years in the US Air Force at Edwards Air Force Base.

He was sure that the UFOs were not like the other ordinary things he had seen around Edwards before. The witness lives about a 15-minute drive from Wright Patterson Air Force Base. 

The witness used a video from his mobile phone to record his UFO sighting. The witness said he zoomed in and out a bit to keep the focus. Near the end of the video (not published) the branches of the trees become visible, and the lead ship disappears, and the second one flies a little further before it also disappears. 

The witness noticed one thing-the rotation in unison. The witness said that he did not have the means to improve the video, and he would like to see if anyone could do it.

Original news

Date: November 7 2015
Location:   West Carrollton, Ohio
Time:   6:30 p.m.
Summary:   A man in West Carrollton, Ohio reported witnessing two spinning gem-shaped UFOs and recording them on video moving in formation. The witness was outdoor smoking when he saw the two lights above the tree line around 6:30 p.m. on the 7th of November 2015. The witness stated that the two unknown aircraft travelled a straight and level flight path from northwest to southeast. The two spinning gems flew without a sound and the witness who claimed to have a military background could not identify the objects. Though the UFOs were not travelling at an unusual speed and not making abnormal maneuvers, they suspiciously vanishing so quickly after passing the witness’ position as he faced south. The witness claimed that he had been an aircraft mechanic for more than three decades, including nearly five years in the USAF at Edwards AFB. He was confident that the UFOs were not the same to any other usual things he had seen before around Edwards. The witness lives around a 15-minute drive from Wright Patterson AFB. The witness used his mobile phone video to record his UFO sighting. He zoomed in and out a little to maintain focus, the witness said. Towards the end of the video, tree branches become visible, and the lead craft disappears while the second one travels a little further before it also disappears. One thing that the witness noticed was the spinning in unison. The witness said that he did not have the means to enhance the video and would love to see if anybody could do it.
Source:  MUFON


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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