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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1624438318
Added Wed, 23/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Сахуарита, AZ
United States

Every night from 20: 00 to 22: 00, I was closely watched by two separate ships, one to the southwest and the other to the southeast. 

The two ships were almost parked in the same place and hovered night after night. My dogs would completely break down and bark uncontrollably as they approached, as I looked out my window, as the ship turned from running lights along the bottom to an electric ball. 

When I looked outside to look at these ships, a shadow would appear in front of my window and scratch my window where my face was. I was so scared that I fell on my ass. My older dog insisted on staying in his kennel so he could keep an eye on my bedroom. which indicates that he feels that there might be something in my room that I would need protection from. 

At 39, I no longer have my period, and they may have removed my ovaries. What seems strange to me is that they devote a lot of energy to me, and from the point of view of society, I am nobody. 

I'm scared to be alone in my house, and when I went to my parents 'house, they moved in front of my parents' front door, and that night I wanted to sleep there to feel safe. 

After 15 minutes my parents fell asleep and the ship came close and hovered over the house, I could barely hear it, it was like a helicopter but quiet, I could feel the vibration of the engines and I could hear one propeller dangling and rattling. I felt very concerned about these ships and feared for my life, I do not know if they are friendly or not. 

After this craft was a scene over my house by my neighbors and they reported a UFO hovering very low in the city, I don't remember the exact day. 

These meetings were the most intense in late autumn and throughout the winter of 2015 and 2016.

Original news

Date: November 30 2015
Location:   Sahuarita, Arizona
Summary:   Every night between 8 PM and 10 PM I would be observed closely by two separate crafts one off to the southwest and the other one off to the south east. These two Crafts would almost park themselves in one spot and hover their night after night. My dogs would completely flipped out and barking uncontrollably when they were getting near as I peered out my window when craft had turned from running lights along the bottom to a ball of electricity. At the times I looked outside to watch these crafts a shadow appeared in front of my window and scratched my window at the spot my face was. I got so scared I fell back on my ass. My oldest male dog insisted on staying outside his kennel so he could watch over my bedroom. which indicates he feels that there’s something that could be in my room that I would need protection from. I no longer have a period at 39 and they may have been taking my eggs. What I think is strange is they are focusing a lot of energy on me and as far as society is concerned I’m nobody. At the intensity of these day-to-day month-to-month counters cause me to feel scared to be alone in my home and when I went to my parents house it repositioned itself in front of my parents front door and that night I wanted to sleep there to feel safe. Within 15 minutes my parents were asleep and the craft had come close and hovered over the house I could barely hear it it was similar to a helicopter but quiet and I could feel the vibrations from the engines and I could hear that one propeller was loose and rattling. I had felt very harassed by these crafts and feared for my life I don’t know if they are friendly or not. After this craft was scene over my house by my neighbors and they reported a UFO hovering very low in town I don’t remember the exact day. These encounters or most intense in late fall and all winter 2015 & 2016. I would appreciate it very much if someone from MUFON spoke to me personally because I have a lot more details to these occurrences considering they happened over several months span
Source:  MUFON


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