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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1624440805
Added Wed, 23/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
10.10.2015 22:10
кладбище Грандвью
Чилликоте, OH
United States

An Ohio witness in Chillicothe reported seeing a "rounded triangle" UFO moving silently overhead, according to a Case 71395 affidavit from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. 

The witness and a friend were filming at night at Grandview Cemetery in Chillicothe when they first noticed the object flying through the sky at about 22: 10 on October 10, 2015.

"I shouted to my friend,' Hey, look at this.' and he pointed to an object flying towards us, " the witness said. "At first I thought it was a meteor or something, because of the speed at which it was flying towards us." 

As the subject got closer, the witness was able to see more details. 

"But when it flew directly overhead, the object reflected the lights of the city, and I could clearly see that it was actually a rounded triangle, meaning the corners were rounded, not pointed out."

The object continued to move rapidly from northeast to southeast and soon disappeared from view. 

"The entire length of the object in my field of view was about six seconds. Unfortunately, my buddy who was in front of me thought I was shouting about what was happening in the city below, and didn't look up in time to see the object. The observation was so fast that I couldn't properly estimate the size or height of the object. It actually flew right over my head, and I got a good look at the lower part of the object." 

The witness described the object. 

"The object was solid, metallic and had no navigation lights. As it flew overhead, it made absolutely no sound. At first I was confused as to what the object was, and my adrenaline was pumping. I stood in the area for a few more minutes to see if any other objects had penetrated, but nothing else happened." 

MUFON field investigator Michael Moore of Ohio is leading the investigation.

Original news

Date: October 10, 2015
Location: Grandview Cemetery in Chillicothe Ohio
Time: 10:10 p.m.
Summary: An Ohio witness at Chillicothe reported watching a “rounded triangle” UFO that moved silently overhead, according to testimony in Case 71395 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The reporting witness and a friend were taking night time photography at Grandview Cemetery in Chillicothe when they first noticed the object streaking across the sky about 10:10 p.m. on October 10, 2015. “I yelled to my friend, ‘Whoa, look at that,’ and pointed to the object streaking toward us,” the witness stated.“At first I thought the object was a meteor or something due to the speed it was coming toward us.” As the object came closer, the witness was able to see more detail. “But as it flew directly overhead, the object reflected the city lights and I could clearly see it was actually a rounded triangle, meaning the corners were rounded, not pointed.” The object continued moving from the northeast to the southeast at a quick pace and was soon out of sight. “The entire length the object was in my field of view was about six seconds. Unfortunately, my buddy, who was in front of me, thought I was yelling about something going on in the city below and didn’t look up in time to see the object. The sighting was so quick that I couldn’t properly gauge the object’s size or elevation. It did fly directly over my head and I got an excellent look at the bottom side of the object.” The witness described the object. “The object appeared to be solid and metallic and did not contain any type of navigation lights. It made absolutely no sound as it passed overhead. I was initially confused as to what the object may have been and my adrenaline was pumping. I stood in the area for a few more minutes to observe if any other objects came through, but nothing else happened.” MUFON Ohio Field Investigator Michael Moore is investigating.
Source: MUFON


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