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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1624441861
Added Wed, 23/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
15.10.2015 20:05
округ Мерримак, на вершине холма Тори на улице Кирсардж-Маунтин-роуд
Уорнер, NH
United States

A Warner witness from New Hampshire, a commercial pilot, reported a bright, clear, white-light UFO that turned into two vertical rectangles, according to testimony on Case 71928 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reports database. 

The witness and his wife were driving home from a trip to Maine and were at the top of Tory Hill on Kearsarge Mountain Road when the object was first seen at 20: 05 on October 15, 2015.

"We noticed a round white circle. the light is above and to our left, " the witness said. - I'm guessing 800 to 1000 AGL. Apparently, he was heading east, but turned to the northeast." 

But then the object seemed to change shape. 

"When this happened, what first appeared as a round light the size of a pencil eraser turned into two vertical rectangles arranged side by side three to four times the width, with a small gap between them. In addition, it seemed to be gaining altitude at an angle of 5 degrees." 

They lost sight of the object because of the tree line, but soon there was another encounter. 

"During the event, no flashes were seen. On my way home, I pulled into the driveway to let my wife pick up the mail from the mailbox. At that moment, there was a thunderous roar, as if a four-engine piston plane had illegally flown overhead. So loud that it seemed like everything was shaking from the vibrations." 

The witness has an aviation background. 

"I fly many hours on such planes in the Air Force, and on the last of the B29 I flew more than 400 hours. Getting close to Mount Kearsarge in the dark would have been a foolishly low flight for anyone who had the right to fly such an aircraft. I have a commercial pilot's license with a retired flight instructor rating, and I can assure you that the lights / lights were not a normal aircraft." 

The case was filed with MUFON on October 27, 2015, and is currently being investigated by New Hampshire-based MUFON Chief Investigator Valerie Schultz.

Original news

Date: October 15, 2015
Location: Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire – at the top of Tory Hill on Kearsarge Mountain Road
Time: 8:05 p.m
Summary: A New Hampshire witness at Warner who is a commercial pilot reported a bright, pure, white light UFO that turned into two vertical rectangles, according to testimony in Case 71928 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The reporting witness and his wife were driving home from a trip to Maine and were at the top of Tory Hill on Kearsarge Mountain Road when the object was first seen at 8:05 p.m. on October 15, 2015. “We observed a round, white light above and to our left,” the witness stated.“I’m guessing 800 to 1000 AGL. It appeared to be on an easterly heading but turned to the northeast.” But then the object appeared to change shape. “When it did so, what first appeared as a round light the size of a pencil eraser, became two vertical rectangles side-by-side three to four times as high as wide, with a small divide between them. It also appeared to be climbing in altitude at a 5-degree angle.” They lost sight of the object due to a tree line, but they soon had another encounter. “There were no strobes seen during the event. Continuing homeward, I stopped after turning into our driveway to let my wife out to get our mail from the mailbox. At that point a thunderous roar as if a four-engine piston powered aircraft was illegally low overhead. So loud that everything seemed to shake from the vibrations.” The witness has an aviation background. “I have many hours flying in such aircraft in the Air Force with over 400 in the last of the B29’s. The proximity to Kearsarge Mountain in the dark would have been a foolishly low flight for anyone qualified to fly such an aircraft. I hold a commercial pilots license with flight instructors rating now retired and I can assure you the light/lights were not a conventional aircraft.” The case was filed with MUFON on October 27, 2015, and is currently being investigated by New Hampshire MUFON Chief Investigator Valerie Schultz.
Source: Mutual UFO Network Case 71928


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