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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1624447901
Added Wed, 23/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Вэлли Фордж, PA
United States

The witness was driving home from work northwest on Gulph Road towards Phoenixville and away from King of Prussia when the object was first spotted. 

"I noticed three very bright lights just above the tree line in the distance," the witness said. "I think I noticed them around the time I was passing by Washington Memorial Chapel. The lights stood side by side." 

The witness first thought the lights were an airplane. 

"But as I got closer, I realized that it was, whatever it was, too bright and too low to be an airplane. I really started to think that maybe they had built a tower in the park with lights on top, but I knew it was illogical because I would have seen this tower / monument by now." 

Then the witness realized that the object might not move. 

"He was moving, but slowly. When I finally got back to the straight part of the road, I decided it was too weird and started taking pictures. As I got closer, it became more obvious to me that it wasn't a plane or helicopter. I thought about stopping, but there was someone behind me. It was also very dark and it was 17 degrees outside." 

But after the witness missed the light, he decided to look back and look out the driver's side window. 

"Then I realized that it was literally just above the tree line and had the shape of a triangle. As soon as I passed the lights, I could clearly make out a figure. After my experience, I was a little shocked. I called my mom, who thought I was just kidding her. But after I sent her the photos, she was convinced. The witness is well aware of the terrain and what usually flies in this space. 

I've lived in the area for almost five years and often go to the park. I know this park inside out. I know what planes flying overhead look like. And I've seen my share of helicopters and drones. It was so strange and inexplicable to me. It even took me almost a week to submit my story. 

I am open-minded about unexplained events, but I personally do not draw conclusions without thinking about it in advance. Even if it was completely explicable, it was still weird and definitely worth sharing."

Original news

Date:  January 2015
Location: Valley Forge Pennsylvania
Time: Night
Summary: The witness was driving home from work northwest along Gulph Road towards Phoenixville and away from King of Prussia when the object was first noticed. “I noticed three very bright lights just over the tree line in the distance,” the witness stated. “I think I noticed them just about the time I passed the Washington Memorial Chapel. The lights were side-by-side.” The witness first thought the lights were an airplane. “But as I drove closer I realized, whatever it was, was too bright and too low to be a plane. I actually started to think that maybe they had built a tower in the park with lights at the top of it, but I knew that wasn’t logical because I would have seen this tower/monument by now.” The witness then realized that the object might not be moving. “It was moving, but slowly. When I was finally back on a straight part of the road, I had decided that this was just too weird and started snapping pictures. As I got closer it was more apparent to me that this wasn’t a plane or a helicopter. I considered pulling over, but had someone behind me. It was also very dark and 17 degrees outside.” But after the witness passed the lights, he decided to look back and out the driver side window. “This is when I realized that it was literally just above the tree line and shaped like a triangle. Once I was past the lights I could distinguish the shape vividly.” “After my experience, I was a little shaken up. I called my mom, who thought I was just pulling her leg. But after I sent her the pictures, she was convinced. She even went as far as to research sightings in Valley Forge.” The witness knows the area well and what normally is flying in that space. “I have been living in the area for almost five years now and I visit the park often. I know this park in and out. I know what the planes flying overhead look like. And I’ve seen my fair share of helicopters and drones. This to me was just so weird and unexplainable. It took me almost a week to even send in my story. I’m open-minded about unexplainable events, but I personally do not come to conclusions without thinking about it first. Even if this was totally explainable, it was still weird and definitely a story worth sharing.”
Source: Mutual UFO Network Case 62584


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