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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1624549692
Added Thu, 24/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
16.06.2007 22:00
Грандора, SK

The three witnesses were in a field in the rural area of Grandora and were heading back to the house. It was getting dark, and it was about 22: 00, when the woman noticed a really bright yellow light in the sky (she assumed it was a star) and pointed it out to two other witnesses. 

Then the yellow light descended from the sky by about 30 feet (9 m) above the ground and at a distance of about 30-50 yards (27-45 m). Then the light moved towards the three witnesses and hovered directly above them. The three of them stood in shock as the light materialized into a metal ship. The underside was rotating, and there were several lights under it. 

The sound was loud, like a monster jet plane. At the same time, there were many other lights around. The objects are indicated by 3 light points at the ends. The three witnesses cautiously moved towards the trees, fearing that they might be captured by someone who was in the ship. 

The ship hovered, as if watching the trio, and then continued to move across the field almost to the very end. It turned out that the light was chasing or chasing the car on the road, and then returned. Soaring over a cliff of trees - the top of the trees, and then landing. The ship shone with a bright "pink" light that illuminated the entire territory. The woman said that the area was "combed" by about 25 lights and objects. 

So much activity at once. The three were returning to their house when they noticed a green light around the house and movement in the yard. Creatures (similar to gnomes), "very ugly" and wearing hats that looked like straw or bird nests, moved around the house, car, barn and everywhere in the yard. In her fright, she shouted to them to leave. Long black shadows ran under the house, and creatures that looked like twenty dwarfs ran into the trees.

The puppy, tied to the leash with a metal clip, suddenly weakened. He ran up to the three and was completely scared by what was happening. But there were no other dogs. Inside the house, the door of her sister's bedroom was open (which, according to her, was closed when she left), and her belongings were moved. Afraid to fall asleep, they put on a movie. 

Outside, there were flashes of green, purple and white light all night. The sound of the ship was still audible. It even sounded like "two of them" were flying around the house, the woman said that the objects also made a sound similar to"distant thunder". 

The woman noted that the time of the first observation was at 22: 00. When she entered her house, it was one o'clock in the morning.

Original news

Location. Grandora, Saskatchewan, Canada
Date: June 16 2007
Time: 2200-0400A
The three witnesses were out in a field in rural Grandora and were heading back to the house. It was getting dark and was approximately 2200 when the woman noticed a really bright yellow light in the sky (she presumed was a star) and so she pointed it out to the other two witnesses. The yellow light then came down from the sky to approximately 30ft above the ground and approximately 30 to 50 yards away. The light then moved towards the three witnesses and then hovered directly above. The three stood in shock as the light materialized into a metal craft. The underside was rotating and had some lights beneath it. The sound was loud like that of a monster jet plane. At the same time, numerous other lights were about the area. Objects defined by 3 points of light at the ends. Cautiously the three witnesses moved towards a line of trees, fearing they may be taken by whatever was in the craft. The craft hovered, as if observing the three and then continued down the field, almost to the end. The light appeared to be following or chasing a car on the road and then it came back. Hovering up and over a bluff of trees—the top of the trees and then it landed. The craft shone a bright ‘pink’ light that lit up the whole area. The woman said there were approximately 25 lights and objects ‘combing’ the area. So much activity at once. The three were making their way back to their house when they noticed a green light around the house and movement in the yard. Creatures (gnome-like), “very ugly” and wearing what appeared to be straw or bird-nest like hats, were moving around the outside of the house, the car, the shed and everywhere in the yard. Frightened she yelled out for them to leave. Long black shadows ran under the home and about 20-gnome like creatures ran off into the trees. The pup that had been tethered to a leash with a metal clip fastener was suddenly loose. He ran to the three and was completely frightened by what was going on. But the other dogs were not. Inside the home her sister’s bedroom door was opened (which she stated was closed when she left) and her possessions had been moved around. Afraid to go to sleep, they put on a movie. Outside there were flashes of green, purple and white light throughout the night. The sound from the craft could still be heard. Even sounded as if “two of them” flew around the house, the woman said the crafts also made a sound like “distant thunder”. The woman noted that the time of initial sighting to being at 2200. When she arrived inside her home it was 1am.
Source: Barb Campbell, SPPRC Inc.


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