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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Gnome. Argentina

ID #1624551471
Added Thu, 24/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.2007 15:30
La Pampa

A man driving his truck on Highway No. 10 (the place of other meetings) suddenly noticed a strange figure in the field to the right of the road, which seemed to be trying to escape. 

He stopped his car and got out, armed with a digital camera, pointing it in the direction of a large tree, where he had last seen a strange figure. 

A few moments later, he noticed a short man of no more than 60 cm, who was running away from the tree. Stunned, he saw a small figure disappear into the forest using strange "slow movements".

He, apparently, was able to take a picture (the snapshot is not published) of a small humanoid and went home, sharing the picture with several friends and family members, unfortunately, the memory disk belonging to the mentioned camera was accidentally damaged, apparently lost. 

At about the same time, on the western side of La Pampa, several witnesses observed in the afternoon a bluish sphere that flew over this area at a very low altitude. The woman was able to record the object on video on her mobile phone and claims that she saw a strange creature inside the sphere. 

The video was sent to the city of Santa Fe for analysis, and, according to the source, there are no results yet.

Original news

Date: November 2007
Location:  La Pampa, Argentina
Time: 1530
Summary: A man traveling in his truck on Route 10 (scene of other encounters) suddenly spotted a strange figure on a field on the right side of the road that appeared to have been trying to conceal itself. He stopped his vehicle and exited armed with his digital camera pointing it in the direction of a large tree where he had last seen the strange figure. Moments later he observed a small man no more than 60cm in height, which was running away from the tree. Stunned he watch the small figure disappeared into the wooded area using strange ‘slow movements”, He was apparently able to take a photo of the small humanoid and drove home sharing the image with several friends and family members, unfortunately the memory disc belonging to said camera was accidentally damaged apparently lost. Around the same time on the western side of La Pampa several witnesses observed in the afternoon a bluish sphere which was flying at a very low altitude over the area. A woman was able to video tape the object with her cell phone and claims that she was able to see a strange creature inside the sphere. The video was sent for analysis to the city of Santa Fe and according to the source the results are not in yet.
Source:  CEUFO


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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