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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1624618171
Added Fri, 25/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
27.04.2007 21:20
Cwm Llinau
United Kingdom

Colin Gret was driving along the A470 towards Machynlleth when he noticed a group of bright lights ahead on the side and above the road. There were orange lights on both sides of the road, which at first he took for street lamps. On the other side of the orange lights were bright white lights, and in the center were bright white lights above and below the level of the other lights. 

At first he didn't understand what it was, and then he realized that he could see what looked like an image of the wingspan of an airplane. A shape that stretches straight across the road and is short on both sides. He now estimated the width to be about 50 feet (15 m). 

Bright white lights were on the ends of each wing and emphasized a small vertical structure a few feet from each wing, between white and orange light. It seemed to give it the appearance of an old airplane, and the entire wingspan seemed to be made of smooth, shiny material. In the center, just below the wingspan, there was a bright white light, and above the wingspan there was also a white dome, similar to a cockpit, in which he could see the upper half of the two figures. 

He immediately thought that it was an airplane, and the whole image was slowly approaching him, but clearly getting lower and lower. The white lights on the wing began to sway up and down, as if the plane was having a hard time staying straight and was about to fly out onto the road in front of it. 

He believed that if he landed on the road, he would certainly be right in front of him or on top of him, but in any case, he would not be able to avoid a certain accident and feared for his life. Those brief moments as she approached seemed like an eternity, almost happening in slow motion. He looked in the rearview mirror, but there was no car behind him.

 He had nowhere to turn the car off the road, so he wondered whether it was better for him to brake or just keep driving in the hope of avoiding an accident. He heaved a sigh of relief when the plane flew over him, very glad that the "accident" was still avoided. Oddly enough, when the plane flew over the car, he could not remember any specific noise, he did not remember seeing any shape of the tail on the plane. 

Then Colin thought that the plane had somehow crashed into a field where he could see in the dark, so he grabbed his mobile phone and dialed the emergency number.

Original news

Date:  April 27 2007
Location:  Near Cwm Llinau, Wales
Time:  2120
Summary:  Colin Grethe was on the A470 heading towards Machynlleth when he noticed up ahead a group of bright lights, to the side and above the road. There was an orange light on either side of the road, which at first; he took to be street lamps. To the other side of the orange lights were bright white lights and to the center there were bright white lights above and below the level of the other lights. At first he was confused as to what it was, and then he realized he could see what looked like the image of a wingspan of an airplane. The shape extending right across the road and a short length either side. He now estimated the width to approximately 50 feet in total. The bright white lights were at the tip of each wing and it highlighted a small vertical construction a few feet from each tip, between the white and the orange light. This seemed to give it the appearance of an old aircraft, ye the whole wingspan itself seemed made of a smooth shiny material. There was a bright white light at the center, just below the wingspan, and also a glowing dome of white above the wingspan, similar to a cockpit, in which he could see the top half of two figures. His immediate thought was that it was an aircraft, the whole image coming slowly towards him but was clearly getting lower. The white lights on the wing began rocking up and down, appearing as if the aircraft was having difficulty in remaining straight and about to ditch onto the road before him. He believed that if it was to land on the road then it would surely be right in front of him or on top of him, but either way he would not be able to avoid a certain crash and he feared for his life. Those brief moments as it came closer seemed like an eternity, almost happening in slow motion. He checked his rear view mirror but there was no vehicle behind him. There was no place for him to steer the car off the road so he wondered whether his best option was to brake or just to keep on going and hope to avoid a crash. He gasped a huge sigh of relief as the aircraft passed over him, mightily relieved that a “crash” was avoided after all. Strangely as the aircraft passed over the car he cannot remember any particular noise, not did he remember seeing any form of tail on the aircraft. Colin then thought that the aircraft had somehow ditched into a field beyond where he could see in the darkness, so he grabbed his cellphone and dialed the emergency number. Later the police confirmed to the witness that there had been no known aircraft in the area and later that night he contacted the Ministry of Defense at RAF Cosford but they told him that there were no aircraft in the area at 2120 and they had no received any incident report.
Source:  Colin Grethe


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