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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1624644372
Added Fri, 25/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
25.03.2008 23:30
Хаммондс Плейнс, NS

The main witness (who has been involved in two other collisions so far) was driving a family car on the Hammonds Plains road, it was a very long day, and the witness felt a little depressed, was driving without a direction or a supposed destination, because he was on the road the witness relaxed. 

Approaching Lucasville Road, the witness noticed a flickering light in the sky. The immediate natural assumption was that it was a plane approaching Halifax International Airport, that is, until it completely stopped and literally fell out of the sky, stopping right in the treetops behind the Woodhaven and Hammonds Plains campground. The witness was overcome by a flood of emotions, curiosity and awe, as in the first experience (March 2007).

The witness was almost behind, and she was stopped by another motorist driving behind. She doesn't know if the passenger of this object saw the object or not, because they just continued driving along the road. She got out of the car again to get a better look, and almost fainted when she really found out what it was. 

It might not be the same object, but it was identical to the lonely object that she had noticed and observed a year ago. The same flat X shape and dome as the upper part, the same tail and the same pulsating light on the lower side, in the center of the letter "X". 

Instantly, in her mind, all the events were connected by feelings and emotions, as well as the psychological awareness that you are being watched, and that what you are looking at knows that you are looking at it, again, as soon as all this clicked in her head, the object dispersed.

She tried to follow her again, this time she moved a little further and exceeded 160 km on the double lane. To her surprise, the object moved away from her in almost the same way. When they got to Bedford, she turned onto the highway, hoping for a better view. By this time, he was far ahead of her, driving parallel to Highway 102 towards Truro. 

Finally, near the airport, the object simply flew into the air and disappeared in less than a second. 

The witness stopped the car and began to tear up on the side of the highway, completely confused, but still confident in what she saw, and, as in her first meeting, there was an empty space in her memory of any event between being on the side of the road. roads and wake up the next morning.

It was brighter when moving forward and became brighter when increasing speed. It could also turn from side to side in a floating position; in the same way, a person turns his head from side to side. The most important thing is that his transitions from the hovering position to the direction of movement were continuous. It was as if he was moving without resistance, and it seemed that there was actually no acceleration process. It was as if he had instantly accelerated to the set speed. 

The witness believes that the same or similar beings were in contact with her in all the experiences. In each experience, she could feel something inhuman in the very core of her soul, in every corner of her mind and body.

Original news

The main witness (involved in two other encounters, so far) was driving the family car along the Hammonds Plains road, it had been a very long day and the witness was feeling kind of depressed, driving around with no direction or intended destination because being on the road made the witness feel more relaxed. Approaching the Lucasville Road the witness noticed a flickering light in the sky. The immediate natural assumption was that it was an airplane approaching Halifax International Airport, that is until it completely stopped dead and literally fell from the sky, coming to rest just on the treetops behind the Woodhaven campground and Hammonds Plains Pizza. The witness was overwhelmed by a flow of emotion, curiosity and awe, just like on the first experience (March 2007).

The witness was almost rear ended by another motorist driving behind when she stopped. She doesn’t know if the occupant of that vehicle witnessed the object or not, because they just continued driving down the road. Again she got out of the car for a closer look and nearly lost consciousness when she actually recognized what it was. It was, maybe not the very same, but an identical object to the lone she had spotted and followed a year before. Same flat X shape and dome like topside, same tail, and the same pulsing light on the underside, in the center of the “X”. Instantaneously in her mind all the events were connected by the feeling and emotion as well as psychological awareness of knowing you’re being observed, and that what you are watching knows your looking at it, again as soon as it all clicked in her mind the object accelerated away, down the Hammonds Plains Road, towards Bedford.

Again she tried to follow, this time she pushed it a little further and exceeded 160km on a double lane. To her surprise the object took a nearly identical route away from her. When they hit Bedford, she turned onto the highway hoping for a better view. By this time it was well ahead of her, traveling parallel to highway 102, towards Truro. Finally near the airport the object just shot straight up in the air and disappeared in less than a second. The witness stopped the car and began throwing up on the side of the highway, completely confused but yet certain of what she had seen and just like in her first encounter, she has a blank space in her memory of any event between being on the side of the highway and waking up the next morning. According to the witness the pulsing light on the underside of the object coincided flawlessly with its physical movements.

It was brighter under directional movement and got brighter more so as speed increased. Also it was able to pivot from side to side in a hovering position; in the same fashion a person would turn their head from side to side. Most importantly its transitions from a hovering position to a direction of travel were transition-less. It was as if it moved without resistance, and it seemed like there wasn’t actually an acceleration process. It was like it jumped to a predetermined speed instantly. The witness believes she was contacted in all of her experiences by the same or similar beings. In every experience she could feel something inhuman in the very core of her soul and in every corner of her mind and body.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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