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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Spirits. United States

ID #1624645358
Added Fri, 25/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
20.03.2008 23:00
Фестус, MO
United States

The witness was lying in the bed, which is an upper bunk, but she still had a good view of the TV, her sister's chest of drawers and a computer desk. In her room, there are shelves nailed to three walls of the bedroom, filled with various glass figures of dragons, wizards and fairies. She just lay on her bed and couldn't fall asleep. 

The room was quite dark, so she could see the glass figures. She rolled over on her left side, trying to get into a comfortable position. She lay there for a minute, until she heard something wheezing for a second, and then it stopped. The sound was far away, but close enough to frighten her, so she rolled over and hung half of her body on the railing of her bed.

As far as she could see, her sister was fast asleep, so she tried to get comfortable again. After a while, she fell asleep. She slept for half an hour until she was woken up by a noise in her room that came from one of the shelves. It looks like one of the figures was slightly hit, but the shelves were too high to be hit. 

Puzzled, she heard some kind of sigh that sounded closer than before, so she hung half of her body on the railing again to check if her sister was asleep. She was still asleep, so she lay back on the bed and pulled the blanket over her head. After a while, she fell asleep again. But she woke up again to the same noise as before, after a restless sleep for 30 minutes. 

She heard something wheezing for about 2 seconds, but this time it was very close. She leaned over the railing again and after a minute looked at the right side of her bed, towards one of the shelves. 

She gasped and looked with trepidation at a black misty figure six feet (1.8 m) tall, passing directly over the TV and the shelf. He had two white spots where his eyes should have been, and he had the shape of a man. He was not transparent, and what appeared to be his feet never touched the ground. 

When he passed near the shelf, one of the dragon figures was hit. Passing by, the figure wheezed and fell right into the wall. After this happened, she pulled the blanket tightly over her head and fell asleep.

Original news

Location. Festus, Missouri
Date: March 20 2008
Time: 2300
Summary: The witness was lying in bed, which is a top bunk, but she still got a clear view of the television, her sister’s dresser and the computer desk. Her room has shelves nailed up on three walls of the bedroom, filled with different glass figures of dragons, wizards and fairies. She was just lying on her bed and she couldn’t go to sleep. The room was fairly dark, so she could see the glass figures. She rolled over on her left side trying to get in a comfortable position. She laid there for a minute until she heard something wheeze for a second and then stop. The sound was kind of far away, but yet close enough to startle her, so she rolled over on her other side and hung half her body over the railing of her bed. As far as she could see her sister was fast asleep, so she tried to get comfortable again. After a little while she fell asleep. She slept for half an hour, until she woke up to a noise in her room that was coming from one of the shelves. It sounded like one of the figures had been bumped slightly, but the shelves were up too high to get bumped. Puzzled she heard something gasp that sounded closer than before, so she hung half of her body over the railing again to see if her sister was asleep. She was still sleeping, so she got back onto the bed and put the covers over her head. After a little while she fell asleep again. But she woke up again to the same noise as before, after sleeping restlessly for 30 minutes. She heard something wheeze for about 2 seconds, but this time it was really close. She leaned over the railing again and after a minute looked over to the right side of her bed towards one of the shelves. She gasped and stared in awe at a six foot tall black foggy figure passing right over the television and the shelf. It had two white spots where its eyes should have been, and it was in the shape of a man. It wasn’t see-through and it what appeared to be its feet never touched the ground. As it passed near the shelf, one of the dragon figures got bumped. As the figure passed, it wheezed and walked right into the wall. After this happened, she put the covers tight over her head and fell asleep.
Source: Your True Tales—April 2008


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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