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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The man with the black eyes. United States

ID #1624805701
Added Sun, 27/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Льюисвилл, TX
United States

The witness, an employee of a grocery store in the production department, was on the floor, making sure that everything was stocked and clean, and was walking when he noticed that the man came out of the aisle completely alone. He was dressed in ordinary clothes. Apparently, there was nothing unusual about it, so the witness continued what he was doing. The man just kept walking around the department and looking around the store, because he was lost or something like that. 

At that moment, the witness noticed that the strange thing about this man was his gait. He was not walking at a normal pace, but in a sense it was like a slow walk, but not as dramatic and obvious as you might imagine such a walk, it was difficult to explain, but it was a strange slow walk.

The witness continued to work and bent down to pick up the garbage from the floor, and when he stood up, the stranger was a good ten feet away and was looking directly at him. They stood perfectly still, looking at each other. 

Suddenly, the stranger's eyes turned completely black, no white parts or iris were visible - just completely black - but it only happened for a couple of seconds. The puzzled witness broke eye contact and continued working, after which the stranger simply left.

Original news

Date: February 2008
Location: Lewisville, Texas
Time: afternoon
Summary: The witness, a grocery store employee in the produce department was on the floor making sure everything was stocked and clean, and was walking around when he noticed a man come around the aisle completely by himself. He was wearing regular clothes; nothing was apparently unusual about him, so the witness continued what he was doing. The man just kept walking around the department and looking around the store as he was lost or something. At this point the witness noticed that what was weird about the man was the way he walked. He didn’t walk with a normal stride, but in a way it was almost like a slow motion type walk, yet not so dramatic and obvious as you would picture such a walk, it was hard to explain but it was a weird slow walk. The witness continued to work and had bent down to pick up some trash on the floor, and when he stood up the stranger was a good 10 feet away and was staring straight at him. Completely motionless they stood looking at each other. All of the sudden, the stranger’s eyes turned completely black, no white parts or iris was visible—just completely black—but it only happened for a couple of seconds. Puzzled the witness broke eye contact and continued working, the stranger then just walked away.
Source: Your True Tales—March 2008


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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