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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Netherlands

ID #1625125103
Added Thu, 01/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
01.07.2021 02:06

An eyewitness from Hengelo (Overacel region) writes:

Observed by a surveillance camera over Hengelo. The object descended from the clouds at high speed. Then he went to the east, rose and disappeared in the east. I stayed under the clouds.

At 03: 04 with the same camera, a large object is moving at high speed from east to west. Visible for a split second through a hole in the clouds.

Original news

HENGELO, OV — Waargenomen met beveiligingscamera boven Hengelo. Object kwam met hoge snelheid omlaag uit de wolken. Ging toen oostwaarts en steeg op en verdween in oostelijke richting. Bleef hierbij onder de wolken.
Om 03.04 uur met zelfde camera een groot object met hoge snelheid van Oost naar west. Fractie van een seconde zichtbaar door een opening in de wolken.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Vostochniy, Amurskaya Oblast' (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Soyuz-2-1b Fregat Payload: OneWeb L8-1 (OneWeb 0249) OneWeb L8-2 (OneWeb 0250) OneWeb L8-3 (OneWeb 0251) OneWeb L8-4 (OneWeb 0252) OneWeb L8-5 (OneWeb 0253) OneWeb L8-6 (OneWeb 0254) OneWeb L8-7 (OneWeb 0255) OneWeb L8-8 (OneWeb 0256) OneWeb L8-9 (OneWeb 0257) OneWeb L8-10 (OneWeb 0258) OneWeb L8-11 (OneWeb 0259) OneWeb L8-12 (OneWeb 0260) OneWeb L8-13 (OneWeb 0261) OneWeb L8-14 (OneWeb 0262) OneWeb L8-15 (OneWeb 0263) OneWeb L8-16 (OneWeb 0264) OneWeb L8-17 (OneWeb 0265) OneWeb L8-18 (OneWeb 0266) OneWeb L8-19 (OneWeb 0267) OneWeb L8-20 (OneWeb 0268) OneWeb L8-21 (OneWeb 0269) OneWeb L8-22 (OneWeb 0270) OneWeb L8-23 (OneWeb 0271) OneWeb L8-24 (OneWeb 0272) OneWeb L8-25 (OneWeb 0273) OneWeb L8-26 (OneWeb 0274) OneWeb L8-27 (OneWeb 0275) OneWeb L8-28 (OneWeb 0276) OneWeb L8-29 (OneWeb 0277) OneWeb L8-30 (OneWeb 0278) OneWeb L8-31 (OneWeb 0279) OneWeb L8-32 (OneWeb 0280) OneWeb L8-33 (OneWeb 0281) OneWeb L8-34 (OneWeb 0282) OneWeb L8-35 (OneWeb 0283) OneWeb L8-36 (OneWeb 0284)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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