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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1625134335
Added Thu, 01/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
25.12.2009 18:25
United Kingdom

At first, I was on the street at 18: 30. There is a large field and forest leading to the river that runs behind our house. Slowly, a huge low-flying orange-yellow-reddish sphere appears from the upper part of the forest, moving in an ideal direction. Slowly flying in a straight path over the tops of trees and hedges. Then picked up speed as it flew over farmland, houses towards the road then hovered up and down for about 6 seconds, and then disappeared.

I looked up at the sky and then I saw something flying across the night sky, it was flying too fast and often bent to be a satellite. I know how the satellites move. My mother and aunt also witnessed the same object the weekend before last. They watched as they hovered and slowly moved over the treetops. 

Then, later that night, around 21: 25, I saw it again from the bathroom window, this time very red, Besides, it seemed that it was moving slower than before, it was very, very bright, I ran outside to look at it again, then again when it got closer! When he reached the road, he picked up speed, moved up and disappeared. 

My father witnessed this with me, and he is the chief engineer, he said that it was strange that he did not make a sound and seemed like a pulsating heat, and his movement was very reasonable and careful. I'll be watching again tonight.

Original news

Date: December 25 2009
Location: Southampton England
Time: 18:25
Summary: First I was outside, 6.30pm, There is a large field and woods leading down to a river backing on to our house, slowly appearing out from the top of the woods a huge low flying, orange/yellow/reddish sphere moving in a perfect slow flying straight path over the the tops of the trees, hedges then picked up speed as it flew over the farmland, houses towards the road then hovered up and down for about 6 seconds and then vanished, I looked up in the sky and then saw something flying through the night sky, this flew to fast and curved to often for it to be a satellite. I know how satellites move. My mum and aunt also witnessed this same object the weekend before last. They watched as t hovered and moved slowly above the tree tops. Then later on again that night around 9:25 I saw it again out the bathroom window, very red this time, it also appeared to be moving slower than before, it was very very bright, I ran outside to watch it again, then again as it got close! r to the road it picked up speed and moved upwards and vanished. My dad witnessed it with me and he is a chief engineer, he commented how odd it made no sound and appeared to be pulsating heat and the way it moved was in a most intelligent way, a careful way. I will be watching out again tonight.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center


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