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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1625137364
Added Thu, 01/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
26.12.2009 20:00
United Kingdom

The ship passed by me from the south at a low altitude of the plane silently ... without flashes or navigation lights and completely silent, I saw it well for at least 10-15 seconds ...

He flew past a tall tree and crashed into it a little. the distance where he turned to the east and sped away into the distance. it lasted for about 2 minutes, where it was too far away to be seen ... no flashes, flashes, noise, or speed changes ... which was slower ... much slower than a commercial aircraft whose flight path goes from east to west, perhaps as fast as a slow helicopter, it is difficult to describe, but there was a thick halo of red light around it, the shape of an onion in front ... 

I can't say what it was, there were other air transportation... planes, etc.

I was flying along the flight path, so all planes fly the same way ... in the opposite direction ... .. there was a very light breeze, and it was easy gathering in the air.

Original news

Date: December 26 2009
Location: Bedford England
Time: 20:00
Summary: The craft came from the south past me at a low aircraft height silently…no strobes or navigation lights and completely silent, i got a good clear view of it for at least 10 -15 seconds…it went past a tall tree and slightly into the distance where it turned east and carried on into the distance. it carried on for about 2 mins where it was too far away to see.. no strobes, flashing, noise or change of speed..which was slowish…much slower that a commercial jet whose flightpath is east to west, perhaps as fast as a slow helicopter, hard to describe but had a heavy halo of red light around it that was bulbous at the a light in mist…with a brighter central core…it definitely had something like a red navigation light on a aircraft but much bigger and not completely round this light was still and did not blink…the ‘halo’ was thick and i cud see there was a light emitting it but it was definitely eggish shaped with wispy but a defined edge…there was no mist for sure cus i was looking at the moon and it was a crisp clear evening.. there was definitely absolutely no sound..nothing..definitely no flashing other colour…just red and no change in speed which was slowish…i got a really good look at it for a amount of time and i couldn’t tell what it was, there was other air traffic..planes etc.. im on a flightpath so all planes go the same way..the opposite way…..the was a very light breeze and it was mild with a gathering nip in the air.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center


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