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UFO. Japan

ID #1625154577
Added Thu, 01/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
16.05.2010 19:55

My wife invited me to the balcony, where we often watch the stars, helicopters, planes and airships. From our balcony there is a beautiful view of the sky, and we always hear the noise of planes and helicopters. The night was still and clear. 

We could see two very bright, clear light sources at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other (that is, if you held a 30-cm ruler at arm's length, this was the distance to the light sources from our point of view). the second fire is slightly to the left of the first, without deflecting this formation. 

They were flying from north to south. They flew straight straight at a constant speed, slower than helicopters that make night flights around the city, after 10 seconds they flew behind the entire building and disappeared from sight. They were on a course that we had never seen on other planes, heading towards the sea. 

The lights were wonderful because they were absolutely silent. Even the jets at high altitude can be heard on our balcony. After a few minutes, the sky over Tokyo was filled with the usual 3-4 helicopters, and we could see 4 planes at different heights flying over the city along the usual flight paths. 

After 30 minutes, the sky was covered with mottled clouds. 

I would like to know if there are any other reports coming from Tokyo today and what kind of lights are there.

Original news

Date: May 16 2010
Location: Meguro, Tokyo Japan
Time: 19:55
Summary: My wife called me out to our balcony, where we often watch stars, helicopters, jets, and airships. Our balcony provides a great view of the sky and we can always hear the jets and helicopters. The night was still, and clear. We could see two very bright, clear lights, to our eyes 30 centimeters apart (that is to say if you held a 30 centimeter ruler at arms length, that was the distance of the lights from our perspective) They flew one behind the other, the 2nd light a tiny bit to the left of the first, with no deviation of this formation. They were flying directly North to South. They were going dead straight at a steady speed, slower than helicopters that give city night flights, after 10 seconds they passed behind a all building and out of our sight. They were on a course that we have never seen flown by any other aircraft, heading out in the direction of the sea. The lights were remarkable, because they were absolutely silent. Even the jets at high altitude can be heard on our balcony. A few minutes later the Tokyo sky was filled with the usual 3 or four helicopters, and we could see 4 jets at varying altitudes passing over the city on the regular flight paths. After 30 minutes the sky had been covered with dappled clouds. Would love to know if any other reports cam from Tokyo this night, and what the lights were.
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


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