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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. New Zealand

ID #1625219616
Added Fri, 02/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
14.04.2010 20:00
New Zealand

Like a star changing color from blue, white-orange and red, moving circles, up and down, left and right, like unknown planes or flying machines could do. 

Visible about 30,000 feet above the east coast. I would go down half that distance in less than 2 seconds, and then the same south about fifty miles as on the east coast of New Zealand, about a little south of Whangarei, the other shore Workworth. 

This happens regularly, and many people have seen it, but no one wants to report it. I am a former pilot with many hours of experience and I assure you that this is not normal ... an invisible person cannot move at such a speed or perform such maneuvers.

Original news

Date: April 14 2010
Location: Paparoa New Zealand
Time: 20:00
Summary: Like a star, changing colours from blue, white orange and red, moving circles, up and down, left and right, in a manner no known aircraft or flying machine could do. Seen approx. 30,000 feet above east coast. Would descend half this distance in less then 2 seconds, then one the same south about fifty miles both on east coast of New Zealand, approx slightly south of Whangarei, the other coast of Warkworth. This is seen regular and lots of people have seen it, however no one wants to report it. I am an ex pilot with many hours and assure you this is not a normal thing…a stealth could not move at that velocity or do such maneuvers
Source: National UFO Reporting Center


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