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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1625233465
Added Fri, 02/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
06.01.2010 07:18
United Kingdom

 Bright lights and blue lightning northeast of Bradford.

07: 10 I woke up for school, as yesterday was a snowy day. I was hoping that it would be too. I listened to the radio until they told me that my school was closed today. I was still hungry, so I got out of bed. 

07: 18 I looked out of the bedroom window to the northeast towards Cottingley and Bingley and saw what looked like a real star, which I had never noticed before. I studied it, thinking it was a helicopter or a satellite. 

07: 19 From my point of view, he made maneuvers inside a small circle, and then became motionless again. I turned on some lights in my house with the curtains open and waved my hand so that he noticed me. 

07: 20 A yellow flicker appeared around him, as if he was looking at me, I waved my hand, the flicker disappeared after a few minutes.

07: 26 Breakfast

07: 31 I went back upstairs and checked the window. The light slowly appeared on and off and remained on when I looked at it from the window. 

07: 36 When I squinted at the light, I saw a light coming around it. When he came to the first light, he became stationary too. I walked away. 

07: 40 I came back with a notebook and paper to draw it, so that I could remember it later, and now there were three lights in the sky, similar to a triangle. Around them was a haze of a darker color of the sky. I got up and drew. By the time I finished drawing, the first two light sources had disappeared. 

07: 48 The light flashed with a blue electric arch around it, I hurried to tell my sister (only the other person at home), when I returned, he was gone. 

I feel that I missed some parts of this, because an hour has passed since the observation, I drew with paint what I saw (the picture is not published). Please note, it wasn't pitch black, but it was dark.

Original news

Date: January 6 2010
Location: Bradford England
Time: 07:18
Summary: Bright lights and Blue Lightning North East of Bradford 07:10 I woke up for school, as yesterday was a snow day i hoped for this one to be too. I listened to the radio until told my school was closed today. I was still hungry though so i got out of bed. 07:18 Looked out of the bedroom window, facing NE towards Cottingley & Bingley and saw what looked to be a right star which i had never noticed before. I studied it thinking it was a helicopter or satellite. 07:19 From my view it made maneuvers inside a small circle and then went back to being stationary. I flashed some of the lights in my house with the curtains open and waved, wanting it to notice me. 07:20 There became a yellow shimmer around it as if it was looking at me, i waved, the shimmer disappeared after a few minutes. 07:26 Had Breakfast 07:31 Went back upstairs and checked the window. The light was slowly appearing on and off and stayed on when i stared at it from the window. 07:36 When i squinted at the light i saw a light coming around it. When it came inline with the first light it became stationary also. I went away. 07:40 I came back with a pad and paper to draw it so that i could remember it later and now there was three lights in the sky like a triangle. With a Haze around them that was a darker colour of the sky. I stood and drew it. By the time i had finished drawing the first two lights had disappeared. 07:48 The light flashed a blue electric arch around it, i rushed off to tell my sister (only other person home) when i came back it was gone. I feel that i have missed out some pieces of this as it has been an hour since the sighting, i drew a picture on paint of what i saw. (note it wasnt pitch black but it was dark.) Here is the link i uploaded to
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center 


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