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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1632256244
Added Tue, 21/09/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Лондон, ON

Toronto, Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, April 21, 1952, page 1

Mysterious planes in the sky of Ontario

London, Ontario, April 20 (KP). An unidentified plane flew over the northern part of Western Ontario shortly before noon today at a speed estimated by experts as "more than 1000 mph". It left a steam trail from horizon to horizon and aroused the curiosity and reflections of thousands of residents.

The fighters of the 420 squadron of the City of London, which were in the air at the time, were sent to intercept the object, but the pilots of the Mustang reported that they could not approach, although they accelerated their planes to a speed of 450 mph.

Its height was estimated at 30,000 feet by several aviation representatives who saw a trail of steam. This height was confirmed by actual bearings taken at several points in London.

There were no reports of high-speed jets of the AFVS or the US Air Force nearby. None of the known aircraft currently in operation had such a high speed as this object.

A trail of steam leading to a "dark cylindrical object" was first noticed by employees of the Ministry of Transport at the Toronto airport. By the time these observers called the telephone connection of the control tower of London City Airport, it was clear that the trail runs from east to west to the north of London.

Before the local airport authorities could report any message to Toronto, the Detroit Airport control tower reported over the airway communication system that a trail was visible north of that city.

The time between the first report from Toronto and the discovery in Detroit is estimated at 12 minutes. Representatives of the Department of Transport at London Airport said that they had no reports of any aircraft that could reveal the mystery, and they could not offer any solution.

Original news

Toronto, Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 21 April 1952, page 1

Estimate 1,000 MPH
Mystery Plane Streaks Across Ontario Skies

London, Ont., April 20 (CP) - An unidentified aircraft streaked across the northern section of Western Ontario shortly before noon today at a speed estimated by experts as "in excess of 1,000 miles an hour." It left a vapor trail from horizon to horizon and aroused the curiosity and speculation of thousands of residents.

Fighter aircraft from No. 420 City of London Squadron which were aloft at the time were directed to intercept the object but the Mustang pilots reported they could not come anywhere near, although they pushed their planes up to 450 miles an hour.

Its height was estimated at 30,000 feet by several aviation officials who saw the vapor trail. This height was borne out by actual bearings taken from several points in London.

No high speed jet aircraft of the RCAF or the U.S. Air Force were reported in the vicinity. No known aircraft now in service have speeds as high as this object appeared to have.

The vapor trail, led by a "dark cylindrical object," first was seen by Department of Transport airport officials in Toronto. By the time these observers had called London City airport control tower phone connections, the trail was seen streaking from east to west north of London.

Before local airport officials could make any report to Toronto, the Detroit airport control tower messaged on the airways communications system the trail was visible north of that city.

Time between the first Toronto report and the Detroit sighting was estimated at 12 minutes. Department of Transport officials at London airport said they had no report of any aircraft which could clear up the mystery, nor had they any solution to suggest.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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