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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1633367661
Added Mon, 04/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.12.1998 23:45
озеро Минноу
Садбери, ON

That night, the author of the original article went to a friend's apartment to watch a movie. 

At about 23:45, after we finished watching the movie, I was getting something in the kitchen when I accidentally looked out the window and noticed a bright light to the left of the INCO stack. 

At first I thought it was Jupiter. But it was too low for that time of night (about eye level, from my friend's apartment on the second floor) and not in that part of the sky (in the west). It was about as big as a thumb at arm's length. The sky was clear and I could see red lights on the communication towers and flashing white lights on the stack. I also looked at the sky and the stars were clearly visible. It wasn't an airplane because there were no flashing colored lights... he was just white. 

After a few minutes, the light seemed to fade, as if it was gradually moving away from me, heading west. I thought it might have come through the smoke plume from the chimney. But the smoke went to the right of the chimney, and the light - to the left of it and a little higher. 

While my friend was sitting at the computer, I grabbed his second-hand telescope and looked at the "object". I focused on him, and there was either a halo around him, or he started disappearing, but was still visible. I watched it for a few more minutes, and at about 23:52 the light went out.

The next day he told me he hadn't seen anything. But my friend M.V. says that he could see the same thing as me when he was walking his dog, at about the same time.

Original news

Date: Monday, December 7, 1998.
Location: Minnow Lake, Sudbury, Ontario.

That night, I went over to a friend's apartment to watch a movie. At around 11:45 p.m., after we finished watching the movie, I was getting something in the kitchen when I happened to look out the window and noticed a bright light to the left of the INCO stack. At first, I thought it was Jupiter. But it was much too low for that time of night (about eye level, from my friend's second-floor apartment) and in the wrong part of the sky (west). It was about as high as a thumb at arm's length. The sky was clear and I could see the red lights on the communication towers and the flashing white lights on the stack. I also looked up at the sky, and the stars were clearly visible. This was not a plane because there was no flashing coloured was just white. As minutes went by, the light seemed to fade away, as if it was gradually moving away from me, heading west. I thought it might have been passing through the smoke plume from the stack. But the smoke was going to the right of the chimney, and the light was to the left of it, and slightly higher. While my friend was at his computer, I grabbed his second-hand telescope and looked at the 'object'. I focused in on it and there was either a halo around it, or it was starting to fade out, but it was still visible. I watched it for a few more minutes and at about 11:52, the light was gone.

The next day, he told me he didn't see anything. But my friend MV says that he might have seen the same thing I saw while he was walking his dog, at approximately the same time.



List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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