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UFO. Canada

ID #1633543464
Added Wed, 06/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Капреол, ON

The author of the original material received this letter from Z:

"Hello everyone...

I just thought I'd let you know about something really weird that 2 friends and I witnessed a few years ago. I'm not quite sure how long ago, but I'm guessing it happened somewhere between 7 and 8 years ago... plus or minus.

Anyway, I was about 13 or 14 years old, maybe I was even younger at the time, and it was about 6-7 pm or so in the summer... probably in July or August. Anyway, we were standing in the school yard of the school in Capreola and through the clouds we noticed something that looked like some kind of meteor that was flying horizontally behind the clouds. It was obvious that it was quite far away, and from the place where we observed it. From where we were standing, it was in the direction of Sudbury. I still remember well what it looked like... It was basically a white ball,

He seemed to be flying very slowly for something that seemed so big in the sky. He also didn't leave any traces of smoke or steam behind him... although the tail was clearly visible. He was just moving slowly in the distance... perfectly horizontally parallel to the ground, and it seemed that it was quite far away, as he would disappear and reappear behind the clouds. 

It was also white or semi - gray in color ... including the tail. It basically reminded me of a comet or meteor with a fiery tail ... but all this was grayish and left no traces. Anyway, we watched it for about 4-5 minutes or so... and I can't remember exactly how he disappeared, because it was a long time ago... but I think mostly he just disappeared behind the clouds... and we couldn't see it anymore. It wasn't very high from our point of view... only 10 degrees or so... even… but it was pretty far away. 

Anyway, when I got home, I told my dad about it... and he called the airport, and they said they didn't see anything unusual. But they also told him that someone had called earlier and told him that they had seen the same thing. I think that's about all the information that I have about it. It was a long time ago, so the exact date or year or something else is quite vague... but it was definitely 7-8 years ago, in the summer."

Original news

Date: Thursday, May 11, 2000.
Location: Capreol, Ontario.

I received this following e-mail from Z:

'Hi there...

I just thought I'd let you know about something really odd that me and 2 friends witnessed a few years back. I'm not exactly sure how long ago, but I'm guessing it happened somewhere between 7 and 8 years ago...give or take.

Anyhow, I was probably about 13 or 14, maybe even younger at the time, and it was around 6 - 7 PM or so during the summer…probably July or August. Anyhow, we were standing in the schoolyard of a school in Capreol, and through the clouds we spotted what seemed to be like a meteor of some sorts that was travelling horizontally behind the clouds. It was obviously quite far away, and from the point where we observed it. From where we were standing, it was in the direction of Sudbury. I still remember quite well what it looked like.. It was basically a white ball, with a white tail following it…almost like a comet I suppose.. but this was more or less cigar shaped...almost rectangular, and the tail didn't converge into a point.

It travelled what seemed to be very slow for something that seemed so big in the sky. It also didn't leave any type of smoke or vapour trail behind it…although a tail was clearly visible. It just slowly travelled in the distance…perfectly horizontally parallel to the ground, and it seemed pretty far away as it would disappear and re appear behind the clouds. It was also white or semi greyish in colour...including the tail. It basically reminded me of a comet, or a meteor with a fiery tail...but the entire thing was greyish, and it left no trail. Anyhow, we watched it for about 4 - 5 minutes or so...and I cant remember exactly how it disappeared because it was a long time ago...but I think it basically just went behind some clouds...and we could no longer see it. It wasn't very high in the sky from our vantage point…only 10 degrees or so...not even...but it was pretty far away. Anyhow, when I got home I told my dad about it...and he called the airport and they said they didn't see anything out of the ordinary. But they also told him that someone else had called earlier and described that they had seen the same type of thing. I guess that's about all the info I have about it. It was a long time ago, so the exact date or year or whatnot is pretty vague...but it was for sure about 7 - 8 years ago in the summer.'


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Vehicle: Delta-7925 Payload: GPS-2R 4 (Navstar 51, USA 150)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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