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UFO. Canada

ID #1633621370
Added Thu, 07/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
озеро Панач

On September 2, the author of the original material received this additional email about some observations seen in the 1970s, and about another, more recent one:

The first sighting I saw was with two of my cousins on the southern shore of Lake Panache; a large red glow at ground level that occurred at night during the winter month of March 1972. The red glow was of enormous size. When we were driving our snowmobiles, two Elans and a Johnson, my older cousin Bill's car died, then his brother's, and then mine, but it was still working until I got off it. There was no electricity or spark in any shovel car. So we left them there and walked the rest of the way to our friend's camp for about a kilometer. We checked them in the morning and they worked fine.

Another time was with my father walking to our marina at 23:00 dark moon without stars in July 1974. As we were leaving Sudbury at the top of Blue Berry Hill, the lights of our truck went out, then the truck motor stalled as we descended the hill over the Black Bridge of the PRC Railway Bridge. We saw three small lights, then two more. They approach from north to northwest, hover for a while, then sweep back and forth, then pop out one, two, then three to the north, northeast, ten times faster than any fighter or helicopter.

The last time I was with my friend Mike at our camp on the southern shore of Lake Panache. It was about 11 p.m., I was sitting on our back deck and looking at the Milky Way - it was a beautiful night. Then, across the bay, just below the level of the trees, a small red and a separate white light appeared. They hovered for a while, then swept for a while, and then disappeared from sight to the northeast at tree level. 

Then, about three minutes later, we saw one big white light about a thousand feet above the ground, followed by small red and white lights. Not a single sound was observed. They flew very quickly up to the south to the southeast; the small red and white lights disappeared from view, but the remaining larger white fire remained in one place in the middle of the sky for a while for about 2 hours, and then began to blink, as if using Morse code. What does it mean? Can you give an answer to this?


Lake Panache

Original news

Date: March 1972 and July 1974
Location: Lake Panache and Sudbury, Ontario

On September 2nd, I received this additional e-mail about some sightings witnessed in the 1970s and another more recent:

The first sighting I had was with my two cousins on the south shore of Lake Panache; a large red glow at ground level, being at night during the winter month of March in 1972. The red glow was tremendous in size. As we drove our snowmobiles, two Elans and a Johnson, my eldest cousin Bill's machine died, then his brother's and then mine, but it was still running until I got off of it. Not one sowmachine had electical, not a spark. So we left them there and walked the rest of the way to our friend's camp about one kilometer. We checked them in the morning and they ran fine.

Another time was with my father going to our Marina at 11 p.m. dark of the moon with no stars during the month of July in 1974. On the way out from Sudbury on the top of Blue Berry Hill, our truck lights went out then the truck motor died as we coasted down the hill above the Black bridge of the CPR railway bridge. We saw three small lights then two more. They come in from the north by northwest, hovered for a while then zipped back and forth hovered then zipped out one two then three out towards the north by northeast ten times faster than any fighter jet or helicopter.

The most recent time was with my friend Mike at our camp on the south shores of Lake Panache. It was around 11 p.m., sitting on our back deck, observing the Milky Way - a beautiful night it was. Then across the bay, just below tree level, a small red and seperate white light appeared. They hovered for some time then zipped around for a while then zipped out of sight to the northeast at tree level. Then about three minutes later, we saw one bigger white light at about one thousand feet above the ground, followed by the small red and white lights. Not a single sound was observed. They flew ever so quitely upward to the south by southeast; the small red and white lights went out of sight but the remaining bigger white light stayed for some time at one spot in mid-sky at about 2 o'clock and then started flashing light as if using the Morse code - v ven u levn. In question, what does this mean? Can you give an answer to this?

G. L.
Lake Panache


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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