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UFO. Canada

ID #1633708589
Added Fri, 08/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Садбери, ON

On July 17, the author of the original material received the following email after talking to a friend of mine who said that two of his friends saw something strange while camping near Temagami:


Sean asked me to send you an email describing a strange light that my brother and I saw a few nights ago.

My brother and I and five other guys set up camp on Rabbit Lake in Temagami on Saturday, July 14, 2012 (just last weekend). It was about one o'clock in the morning, and Gary and I were in the upper part of the hut, lying on our bunks (one at each end of the hut by the windows due to the unbearable heat). There was 1 other guy sleeping under us on the main floor, and four others were drunk on the main deck of the cabin.

Gary and I were talking when he said, "Hey, what the hell is that orange light?" I couldn't see anything through the window, so I said I had no idea.

He sat down and said, "It was really weird. A big round orange light has just crossed the sky. He put his hands in a 6-8-inch circle and said it was pretty big... but before he could explain, we heard a loud crack, followed by several blows.

One of our drunken comrades on deck broke a chair and fell. The owner of the hut (and the father of one of the other guys) jumped out of bed downstairs and shouted to everyone to go to bed... (he thought the boys had started fighting outside)…

Anyway, when the storm subsided, everyone was in bed 20 minutes later when Gary said it was again.

I immediately jumped out of bed and ran to his window.

The hut faces south over the bay, and to our left a large hill frames the water. Crossing the hill (I have no idea at what distance) it was a solid orange light. Since I couldn't see him well through the surrounding trees through the window, I ran to the stairs to the lower level, and then rushed past all the sleepers on the first floor. I crossed the deck, went down the stairs to the ground and was able to find the light and watch it for another 15-20 seconds before it disappeared from my field of vision.

In my opinion, it was far away, and certainly not the 6-inch sphere that my brother showed me with his own hands... (it was small, but closer than most planes flying overhead). The funny thing is that it was solid orange without flashing lights and made without sound. He was moving slowly but surely across the sky.

Of course, the boys in the cabin wanted to know what I was smoking, but apart from 2-3 bottles of beer that night, Gary and I were the only ones there, I would say, were sober. So there's not much to tell, but that's what I saw.

I included Gary in the email in case he remembers what I missed."


On Saturday, August 18, he received the following UFO message from a friend who received it on his website dedicated to Bigfoot:

Name: Brennan

Comments: Hello, my name is Brennan Mikis... I'm from Sandy Lake ONT. And I would like to report a UFO sighting outside of the Sandy Lake ONT community,

twothousandnine In July there was a meteor shower. Me, my little brother, {Julian} Big Board {Mike} and my dad [Johnson]:

We were returning from a moose hunt after we killed a moose at a camp where my father was going when he was a child. We were about 10 minutes from the settlement [Sandy Lake], when on the shore of the lake we all saw 1 light flash "on" and "off" on the 1st, we thought it was an "SOS" flash... so we went to the lakeside and asked if anyone needed help.. {No one answered} so we all asked each other? (Did you guys see that light?) ... we all said yes.

A few moments after the light went out... things started to get weird? ... we were going to leave and forget what we saw, but then when we were driving home on the lake... we saw more and more lights on the same bank of the 1st sighting, more than 20 lights, {flashing and going out} it lasted about 2-5 minutes. We just watched and smoked ... we didn't know which light to look at, but then we saw another light across the lake, and this time it was yellow-orange... and it was the firefighters, and they said only 5 of them were also on the lake outside the "UFO sightings" zone.

This story is 100% true; I have 4 people, including me, who have seen this and I have never told anyone but you because you are in Ontario. Thank you for your time.

Neither the FBI nor the CIA contacted us about what we saw, and those firefighters working on this lake can tell everyone that they were the only people on the lake where UFOs were observed, also it was about 11 a.m. The lake where those lights are burning is {Finger lake}, it's on the Severn River, 10 minutes drive from Sandy Lake, ONT.

Original news

Date: June 16, 2012
Location: Sudbury, Ontario

On July 17, I received the following e-mail after I had chatted with a friend of mine who had said that two of his friends had seen something weird while camping near Temagami:


Shawn asked me to shoot you an email with the description of a strange light my brother and I saw a few nights back.

My brother and I and five other guys were camped on Rabbit Lake in Temagami on Sat Jul 14 2012 (just this weekend past). It was around 1am in the morning and Gary and I were in the upper part of the cabin laying in our bunks (one at each end of the cabin near the windows due to the insufferable heat.) Below us, 1 other guy was sleeping on the main floor and the other four were drunk as skunks out on the main deck of the cabin.

Gary and I were talking when he said “Hey what the hell is that orange light?” I couldn’t see anything out my window so I said I had no idea.

He sat up and said “That was really strange. A large round orange light just crossed the sky.” He made his hands into a 6-8 inch circle and said that was pretty big….but before he could explain, a loud crash followed by several thumps echoed up to us.

One of our drunk comrades on the deck had broken a chair and fallen over. Well the owner of the cabin (And father of one of the other guys) shot out of bed downstairs and was yelling for everyone to go to bed….(He thought the boys started fighting outside)…

Anyway when the shit storm subsided, everyone was in bed 20 minutes later when Gary says there it is again.

I immediately swung out of my bed and ran to his window.

The cabin faces south over the bay and to the left of us a large hill lines the water. Crossing over the hill (I have no idea at what distance) was a solid orange light. Because I couldn’t see it very well through the surrounding trees through the window, I ran to the ladder to the lower level and then hustled past all the sleepers on the main floor. I crossed the deck and went down the stairs to the ground and was able to locate the light and watch it for about another 15-20 seconds before it disappeared from my sight.

It was distant in my opinion and certainly not the 6 inch sphere my brother had shown me with his hands…(it was small but closer than most planes that fly overhead.) The funny thing was it was solid orange with no blinking lights and made no sound. It traveled at a slow but steady pace across the sky.

Of course the boys in the cabin wanted to know what I was smoking, but other than 2-3 beers that evening, Gary and I were the only ones there I would say were sober. So, not much to tell, but that’s what I saw.

I have included Gary on the email in case he can think of something I might have missed."



List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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