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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1633973423
Added Mon, 11/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Садбери, ON

On July 9, three neighbors told the author of the original material about their observations on the evening of Canada Day. It seems that there was much more in the sky that night than just fireworks and Chinese lanterns.

The red round balls of light made three consecutive passes over the city, moving in a straight line, one after the other, with the same distance between them.

The first observation consisted of two red objects with a halo of haze around the edges ... just like the mirage effect that appears on the sidewalk on a hot summer day.

For the second time, three similar objects were seen, but returning from the opposite direction. And finally, the third observation was, again, of three objects... described similarly to the first two observations.

From the ground, witnesses also noticed a small plane circling around, as if the pilot was scanning the sky in search of these things. One witness said the objects appeared to be about twice the size of a small plane, possibly because they were at a lower altitude than the plane.

Another report was of an illuminated object that suddenly flashed before disappearing, giving the impression of a blinding flash that you get from a camera.

Chinese lanterns do not move in a straight line, as they are easily affected by the direction of the wind. In addition, their dimensions can not be compared with an airplane. It's not that they produce a blinding flash of light and suddenly disappear from view.

So what is flying in our airspace?

Original news

Date: Friday, June 28
Location: Sudbury, Ontario

On July 9th, three of my neighbours told me about the sightings that they had during the evening of Canada Day. It seems that there was a lot more than just fireworks and Chinese lanterns in the sky, that night.

Reddish round balls of light made three successive passes above the city, traveling in a straight line, one behind the other, with equal spacing in between them.

The first sighting consisted of two objects, red in color with a halo of haze around their edges...just like the mirage effect you get off the pavement during a hot summer day.

The second sighting was of three similar objects, but coming back from the opposite direction. And finally, the third sighting was, again, of three objects...described in a similar fashion as the first two sightings.

From the ground, the witnesses also spotted a small plane circling around as if the pilot was scanning the skies for these things. One of the witnesses said that the objects seemed to be about twice the size of the small plane, possibly because they were at a lower altitude than the plane was.

Another report was of a lighted object that sudenly flashed before disappearing, giving the impression of a blinding flash you get from a camera.

Chinese lanterns don't travel in a straight line as they are easily affected by the wind's direction. Also, their dimensions are nowhere near that of an airplane. Not do they produce a blinding flash of light and suddenly disappear from view.

So what is it that is flying around in our airspace?



List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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