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UFO. Canada

ID #1634132179
Added Wed, 13/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
05.07.2014 01:30
Чатем, ON

On Sunday, July 6, the author of the original material received the following email from a resident of Chatham, Ontario, who reported that she had seen UFOs several times in her area of residence and its surroundings:

"I came across your site because I was looking, hoping for someone who might have seen what I saw in the night sky last night on the outskirts of Chatham, Ontario.

It was about 1:30 in the morning, and I looked out into my backyard to see if our pool was covered, and through the trees I saw a very bright light in the sky. At first glance, it was very obvious that this was not a star, a planet, or even an airplane. He was floating in the sky, swaying easily from left to right. He started moving faster than any artificial object. If he then stopped, as I called others in my house to look at it. 

It was too dark outside (since I live on the outskirts of the city) and the object was too bright to determine the shape or actual size, but I'm sure it had to be very large. There were lights on it, red is the best color to describe the flashing lights, but it pulsed very quickly. We watched it for 10 minutes. As we continued to observe the bright light, it grew larger and began to slowly descend. Trees at the back prevented further review.

My mom and I often see objects in the night sky over Chatham and Wallasburg, Ontario. We see them flying fast across the sky. No artificial object can ever fly as fast and accurately as the objects we see. They also effortlessly change direction with sharp and abrupt movements. They will also disappear without warning, even if the night sky is crystal clear. I saw the same storage room last night, and its fall to the ground was frightening. I tried to see where he went, but I have too many trees in my backyard.

What I will say, based on my observations, since this is definitely an extraterrestrial nature, and the most disturbing thing is that it is obvious that they are not trying to hide. Their visits in the sky are becoming more frequent, and I saw up to eight people in one evening alone, as my mother and I looked at the sky, as we often do. 

I believe that our planet is close to revealing the nature of these visits. I believe that disclosure of information is close and inevitable. We can only hope that whoever they are, they are not here in vain.

Have a good day"

Original news

Date: July 5
Location: Chatham, Ontario

On Sunday, July 6, I received this following e-mail from a female resident of Chatham, Ontario, who reported having seen UFOs on several occasions in and around the area where she lives:

"I came across your site as I was looking for, hoping for, someone who may may have seen what I see in the night sky last evening, on the outskirts of Chatham, Ontario.

It was approximately 1:30 am and I looked out into my back yard to see if our pool had been covered and through the trees, I seen a very bright light in the sky. It was very evident at first glance it was not a star, planet or even a plane. It was hovering in the sky, swaying slightly from left to right in an effortless motion. It began to move in a quicker manner unlike the movement any man-made object could do. If then stopped as I had called others in my home to look at it. It was too dark outside (as I live on the outskirts of the town) and the object was too bright to determine the shape or actual size but it I'm certain it must have been very large. There were lights on it, the best colour to describe the lights flashing would be red, but it was pulsating very quickly. We observed it for 10 minutes. As we continued to watch the bright light, it got increasing larger and began to descend slowly downward. The trees in the backward then obstructed any further viewing.

My mother and I often see objects in the night sky over Chatham and Wallaceburg, Ontario. We see them zip across the sky very very quickly. No man-made object could ever fly as quickly and precisely as the objects we see. They also change direction without effort in sudden and abrupt movements. They also will disappear without any warning, even when the night sky is crystal clear. Last night's object was the closet I have seen one, and it descending to the ground was frightening. I tried to see where it had went but I have too many trees in my back yard. The activity over this area in the last three years has been alarming.

What I will say, from my observations, as that it most definitely is extraterrestrial in nature and the most alarming point is it's clear they are not trying to hide. Their visitations in the skies are becoming more frequent, and I've seen up to 8 in one evening alone as my mother and I watched the skies as we often do. I believe our planet is close to uncovering the nature of these visitations. I believe disclosure is close and imminent. One can only hope that whoever they are, are here for a good reason.

Have a wonderful day"

Sent from my iPhone


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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