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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1634303839
Added Fri, 15/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Нотон, ON

On Saturday, August 8, I recorded an interview with a resident of Sudbury, who, along with her sister and nephew, noticed a strange light on November 28, 2013:

"While waiting for the lights on the Froud, I saw right in front of me, in the distance, something similar to the same thing that I just saw at the gas station, and pointed it out to my sister. 

At first we thought it might be a light on one of the towers, so she was watching while I was driving. But no matter in which direction the car was moving, at every turn (except for the part under the aisle/on the ramp, which we could not see), it remained exactly in front of us in the same position as if it was moving. with us, trying to get our attention. 

When we got to the Copper Cliff, we stopped behind the town houses that burned down a few years ago and started taking a couple of pictures. While we were doing this, he quickly moved to the left, and then stopped. Then he got up quickly and froze. He did this in several directions, and then stopped moving completely again. We continued moving towards Naughton, and the same thing started as before. He was right in front of us, no matter where we turned. When we got to Naughton, we couldn't see anything because of all the trees, and when we got back on the highway and continued west towards Hispaniola, he was gone.

Since then, I've been looking at UFOs, other creatures, etc., trying to get as much information as possible, and kind of reached an obstacle (for lack of a better term) on my way. I have all this information, but it's all kind of blurry, and I could really use another person who really knows what they're talking about to help me sort out some things and maybe answer questions that I haven't been able to find credible answers to. 

Could you help me figure this out? We will be very grateful for any help you could provide."

One of the photos shows the Moon for comparison. Others show photographs of the object following the witnesses.

Original news

Date: November 28, 2013
Location: From Sudbury to Naughton, Ontario

On Saturday August 8, I recorded an interview with a Sudbury resident who, along with her sister and her nephew, noticed a stange light on November 28th, 2013:

"In November 2013, I, along with my sister and nephew, experienced a sighting that began in New Sudbury and continued all the way in to Naughton. Around 5:30 that evening I was getting gas at Pioneer and noticed (it was more of a pull, like something was telling me to look in that direction) over the roof of the little house across the road this really large, bright, what I thought was a star. Except it was really big; bigger and brighter than any star I have ever seen. I made a note of it then left and went west on Lasalle, heading toward the Lasalle extension. While waiting for the lights at Frood, I saw directly in front of me, off in the distance, what looked like the same exact thing I just saw at the gas station and pointed it out to my sister. At first we thought it may be a light off one of the towers so she watched while I drove. But no matter which direction the car headed, around every turn (with the exception of the under pass/on-ramp part as we could not see it), it stayed exactly in front of us in the same position, as if it was moving with us, trying to get our attention. When we got to Copper Cliff, we pulled over behind the town houses that burned down a few years ago and started to take a couple of pictures. While we were doing that, it moved quickly to the left, and then stopped dead. Then went up quickly, stopped dead. It did that in a few directions, then stopped moving altogether again. We continued towards Naughton and the same thing started happening as before. It was directly in front of us, no matter which way we turned. When we pulled in to Naughton we couldn't see anything because of all the trees, and when we got back out to the highway and continued west toward Espanola, it was gone.

Since then I have been looking in to UFOs, other beings, etc., trying to find out as much information as I can and have kind of reached a block (for lack of a better term) in my path. I have all of this information but it is all sort of blurring together and I could really use another person who actually knows what they are talking about to help me figure some things out, and possibly answer questions that I have not been able to find credible answers to. I was wondering, if you have time, if you would be willing to help me try to make sense of all of this? Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated."


Top left: Photo showing the Moon for comparison. Top right: photo of the object that followed the witnesses.
Bottom left and right: photos of the object the witnesses said they saw.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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