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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1634309295
Added Fri, 15/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Конистон, ON

On April 23, I received the following email from a resident of Six Nations near Hamilton:

"On Wednesday, April 22, 2015, I was driving south on the Chiefswood Road to Osweken. I saw an orange light in the south. At first I thought it was a tower light, then I realized that it was a little tall for a tower, and I noticed that it was moving towards me. I was driving, so I couldn't get a good look. After about 5 minutes, I looked, and there were two more behind the first one. I was still driving. As soon as I could, I stopped.

Less than a minute later, I rolled down the window to check if I could hear anything. I looked to see if there are other colored lights with orange. These were 3 orange lights, and it seemed that they were at the same distance from what was ahead. No sound. 

It was snowing, and I thought again that the helicopter was flying low - there was no noise, no searchlights, and they were in no hurry. I turned onto the street and picked up my son about 10 minutes later. 

On the way to the exit, we noticed another light coming from the same direction, and it seemed to be floating, rather than moving in a straight line and in no hurry. We watched him disappear into the snow, heading east. About 5 min."

Original news

Date: April 22
Location: Near Coniston, Ontario

On April 23, I received the following e-mail from a resident of Six Nations, near Hamilton:

"On Wed. April 22, 2015 I was traveling South on Chiefswood road into Ohsweken. I saw an orange light in the south. Initially I thought it was a tower light then I then I realized it was a bit high for a tower light and I noticed it was moving towards me. I was driving so I could not get a good look. About 5 min later I looked and there were 2 more following the first. I was still driving. As soon as I could I pulled over.

Less than a minute later, I rolled down my window to check if I could hear anything. I looked to see if there were any other colour lights with the orange . It was 3 orange lights and they seemed to be equal distance from the one ahead. No sound. It was snowing so again I thought low flying helicopter-no noise nor
any spot lights and they were not in any hurry. I turned down a street and picked up my son about 10 min. On our way out we spotted one more light coming from the same direction and it appeared to be floating, not traveling in a straight line and not in a hurry. We watched it disappear in the snow heading east. About 5 min."


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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