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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Russia

ID #1635344734
Added Wed, 27/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
25.12.2001 02:30
Sverdlovskaya oblast

The residents of Shali have a reverent attitude to "flying saucers". They appear here not that often, but since time immemorial. Even great-grandmothers remember about flying things in the sky. And about fifteen years ago, on a summer evening, something huge fell straight into the village pond from the sky with a whistle, drowning out all the fish and heating the water so that for two days there was not a sign in the village in the thickest fog. People literally bruised themselves on poles going out into the street. And after the fall of this thing, devices of different designs began to hover over the pond from time to time, scaring people and especially animals. Dogs at the moment of arrival hide howling in the doorways, and cows lose milk for a long time.

The last UFO arrival was observed by the residents of Shalin on December 25 last year at half past two in the morning. In the family of Sergei Pleshivykh, an employee of the registry office, everyone was already asleep, suddenly the dog Taras screamed as if his bear was being raped. The owner, his elderly mother and fourteen-year-old son Alyosha rushed to the windows that overlook the pond. At a height of 300 meters above the ice surface, a huge thing, a hundred meters in diameter, hung and groped with bright silvery-bluish searchlights on all sides. One beam rested on the neighboring house, blinded, woke up and frightened the neighbor of eyewitnesses Sergey Kolmogorov.

- I thought: fire! Then I realized: "plate". We observed about the same thing as boys about thirty years ago," Kolmogorov recalled.

Then the UFO flew south towards the "round-the-clock" store, where it sowed panic in the camp of night drinkers.

Another peasant listened to these stories on camera with skepticism, who called me aside and, breathing fumes, told exclusively that he, too, had seen this fool, but did not believe in any aliens. And these same ones that are standing now and recording (Japanese deligation) arrive on the machines - the Japanese are mothers! And exactly the same faces were seen in the window of a UFO through army binoculars by former ensign Anatoly!

If you wake him up now, then the ensign will surely identify someone here!

I asked my friend not to do this.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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