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UFO. Greece

ID #1652608558
Added Sun, 15/05/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
02.09.1990 21:00

Megaplatanos is a small village located an hour and a half drive from Athens, Greece. As in most Greek villages, there are mainly shepherds and farmers who work in the fields and in the mountains from dawn to dusk.

On September 2, 1990, around 9 p.m., several villagers who happened to be on the street and were looking at the sky saw half a dozen strange lights in the sky.

It was a group of 5 or 6 unidentified flying objects approaching from the north, and one of the aircraft was flying unstable.

Eyewitnesses claimed to have seen strange lights emitted by a plane in trouble, as a result of which it lost altitude and eventually crashed into the slope of a nearby mountain. The Megaplatanos accident is known as the Roswell Greek incident.

Strange lights over Hellas

Unidentified lights were first spotted over central Greece. As the reports say, about this time a dozen or more of these aircraft flew through the sky. They flew near the Pentelicus Mountain and headed north, past the city of Thessaloniki.

At some point, they changed course and headed south to the Peloponnese region. Here they changed course again and headed back to central Greece.

At that moment, one of the UFOs changed color and began to fly unstably. When the objects approached the village of Atalanti, the UFO, which got into trouble, began to decline rapidly and eventually fell on the southern part of a small hill called Tympristos (or Tymfristos), which is located a few kilometers from Megaplatanos.

At the top of this hill, overlooking the village, there is a small church known as the Church of the Prophet Elijah. Just a few meters from the church is the place where the object is said to have fallen. It happened around 9:30 p.m. on Sunday.

Those who saw these objects said that they saw them descend from the sky towards the fallen UFO and rise into the sky again. It seemed to some that they were acting as part of an organized operation to rescue the crew of a crashed UFO.

The Karadratu family first saw bright lights illuminating the dark sky for about fifteen minutes. Then they heard three loud explosions, after which they noticed that one of the flying objects became brighter and closer to the others. They thought it was damaged or on fire, and they saw it fall about a kilometer from their house.

After the fall, black smoke came from the object, similar to smoke from burning tires." After a while, other objects landed next to the landed ship and landed around it, as if surrounding it." The light of other objects was so bright that it illuminated part of the hill.

"We stood there and watched. My husband and I came closer to get a better look. He saw movement in front of the burning object, like shadows that were walking back and forth, but we couldn't figure out if it was people or something else. They (shadows) were doing something in a light circle that formed around a large object. They stayed there from about 10 o'clock on Sunday until 3 o'clock on Monday morning."

According to Mrs. Karadratu, they were able to approach the crash site only after the sun had risen. When they explored the crash site, they came across scorched earth and several burnt pine trees. One of these trees also had the lower part of the trunk burned.

When Mr. Karadratu touched the tree, he developed blisters within a few seconds. In the place where the impact apparently occurred, they both saw two small holes in the ground. A strange little round object with two antennae was found near or inside the holes. It was also engraved with a symbol resembling a lightning bolt.

Karadratus reported that he saw the creatures at a distance, but could not confirm whether they were human or not, since they were about a kilometer away, and because of the bright light and fire, it was almost impossible to see some anatomical features. However, they knew that these creatures or shadows were hurriedly moving around the damaged ship.

Police and scientists are investigating

The Phthiotida police soon arrived at the scene. The news of strange lights and a possible plane crash near the church of the Prophet Elijah spread through the village. At the first inspection of the scene, they were able to find only what appeared to be the remains of a bonfire. When the police met with Karadratus, who had been at the scene since early morning, they were handed a round object that they found.

Apart from the scorched earth and the object given to them by Karadratus, the Director of the police Department, Mr. Panetsos, did not find any signs that there really was a downed plane here. He turned for help to the Deputy Prosecutor, Mr. Zisimopoulos, who demanded a full investigation of the alleged crash site.

Various other metals were extracted from there, none of which exceeded 12 centimeters. These items were sent to the Tanagra Airbase, located about 90 kilometers south of the crash site.

Tanagra AFB concluded that these items were "worthless" and that they were probably parts from an old fighter jet. However, the Air Force Research and Technology Center (KETA-ETHM) visited this place and came to a different conclusion. On October 19 , 1990 , their incident report read:

"We confirm that this object burned grass and shrubs within a radius of 200 meters. The collected fragments were as follows: Pieces of a female fork with a diameter of 11 cm made of copper with Arabic numerals in the center. A series of copper multi-contact cables connected to the aforementioned plug. The insulation of these cables was made of silk, a type of fabric and Teflon. Round lid made of burnt rubber. Steel ring.

Three steel rods 10 cm long each. At the bottom there are two regulators with the Greek letter F at their base. The found fragments were of terrestrial origin, given the presence of numeric and alphabetic designations. These were old technologies, possibly parts of an old satellite. This conclusion was made based on measurements, wiring and construction.

The satellite must be from Europe or the former Soviet Union, since only in these parts of the world there is a metric system in meters and centimeters. As for the letter F, he is from the Soviet Union, since this country uses this Greek letter in its Cyrillic alphabet, and also has the technology for such a device."

Unsuccessful investigation

Many Greek ufologists rejected theories about the downed satellite or that the metals were parts of an old fighter. Socrates Ekaterinidis was one of them. He wrote in several publications and spoke about this incident in several interviews on Greek radio.

He claimed that KETA-ETHM's statement about the downed satellite has no evidence, since no debris or even a small crater from the impact was found. He also claimed that the Air Force base missed the fact that one of the objects had a strange emblem in the form of lightning. The reason why they missed this fact further strengthened his assumptions about the concealment of the fact by the military or the poor-quality work of the investigators.

As for the Greek letter F, which was depicted on metal objects, Mr. Yekaterinidis claims that the police did not see any inscriptions on the metals.

The place of the fall

In addition to this mishmash of information, the director of the Astronomical Institute of the National Observatory of Athens issued a statement in which he claimed that it was nothing more than the fall of a meteorite. Mr. Makris has never set foot on the scene, examined witnesses or police records. However, he released the following statement:

"It's not just aliens. At this time (September 1990), the Earth's orbit passes near a flock of meteors, the so-called Persians. These meteorites, entering the Earth's atmosphere at an altitude of about a hundred kilometers, develop great friction and ignite due to their high speed. Therefore, the world sees flashes. If we talk about meteors, then these may be artificial satellites. As many parts of the satellite are destroyed, they also ignite in the atmosphere. Finally, phenomena can also be caused by abnormal refractions or reflections in the atmosphere from lights on earth. Even the lights of a row of cars can cause such an impressive sight. Everything else is devoid of seriousness and is explained by fantasy or group hysteria."

When asked by several UFO researchers, the Atalanti police mentioned that no investigative team has ever taken the testimony of dozens of people who witnessed strange UFO lights and a crash near the village of Megaplatanos. From what is known, only a few photos taken by the police and the Karadratu family have been made public.

Greek Roswell

Unlike the 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico, the alleged UFO crash in Greece was hardly covered in the press. there are only a few photos from the police report, a picture taken by eyewitnesses of the crash site, and only a few villagers who still live in Megaplatanos and remember that September day in 1990, when the night lit up with strange lights in the Greek sky.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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