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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. United Kingdom

ID #1665681597
Added Thu, 13/10/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Вудбери-Коммон в Девоне
United Kingdom

The driver "burst into tears" after hitting a man who got out in front of his car, only to discover that it "must be" a ghost.

Friends Tom and Peter experienced a real shock when they were driving along a country road in Devon, when an elegantly dressed guy in a black top hat and carrying a bag appeared on the road.

Fortunately for the couple, there was no blood on their hands, as no bodies were found after the collision, but instead they encountered a local spirit.

Dr Rob Gandhi is a visiting professor at Liverpool John Moore University's Liverpool Business School, and a former manager of the National Health Service. But away from his university studies, Dr. Gandhi spent years documenting eyewitness accounts of extremely strange things on British roads and country roads.

A recent survey conducted by Select Car Leasing showed that many Britons have experienced their own road ghosts — about one in seven respondents answered "yes" to the question "Do you believe you have seen a ghost behind the wheel?"

Dr. Gandhi, a prolific author of Fortean Times magazine, has teamed up with Select Car Leasing to uncover some of the most compelling cases he has ever encountered.

One of them is related to Tom and Peter, who were driving north through Woodbury Common in Devon on the B3180 towards Ottery St Mary in 1989.

As they approached the pub to their left, the Halfway Inn, they watched in horror as a man stepped onto the road right in the path of their car, moving at about 25 mph.

Dr. Gandhi told The Ghost Club's Journal:

"He was clearly visible in the headlights, and Tom and Peter could see that he was wearing a black top hat and a black coat, and he was carrying a Gladstone bag.

The man turned his head to look directly at them, although his usual face seemed empty and unaware of the presence of the car. Tom slammed on the brakes, but the momentum was too great, and the car just drove through the man.

Both Tom and Peter were convinced that someone had been killed and got out of the car as soon as it stopped. Tom burst into tears, he was so shocked."

Dr. Gandhi continued:

"Previously, they looked behind the car, but found nothing. A week later, Peter decided to pay a visit to the Halfway Inn to talk to the host about this episode; his friend Tom flatly refused to go with him. his.

The host confirmed that several other people had experienced similar experiences over the years. He believed that what he saw was the ghost of a doctor who was present at the birth at the hotel and, leaving, went out on the road only to be killed by a horse and cart."

Original news

A motorist "burst into tears" after a hitting a man who stepped out in front of his car, only to discover it "must have been" a ghost.

Pals Tom and Peter had the shock of their lives when driving down a country lane in Devon when a smartly-dressed bloke wearing a black top hat and carrying a bag appeared on the road.

Fortunately for the pair, they had no blood on their hands as no body was found after the collision, and instead they had encountered a local spirit.

Dr Rob Gandy is a Visiting Professor at the Liverpool Business School at Liverpool John Moores University, as well as a former NHS manager.

But away from his university commitments, Dr Gandy has spent years documenting eye-witness accounts of high strangeness on Britain’s highways and byways.

A recent survey by Select Car Leasing found that many Brits had endured their own road-based hauntings - with roughly one in seven respondents answering ‘yes’ to the question ‘do you believe you have seen a ghost while driving?’

Dr Gandy, a prolific writer for the magazine Fortean Times, has teamed up with Select Car Leasing to reveal some of the most compelling cases he’s ever come across.

One of them involves Tom and Peter who were driving north across Woodbury Common in Devon on the B3180 towards Ottery St Mary in 1989.

As they approached a pub on their left, the Halfway Inn, they watched in horror as a man stepped into the road, right into the path of their car travelling at around 25mph.

Dr Gandy told The Ghost Club’s Journal: “He was clear in the headlights and both Tom and Peter could see that he was wearing a black top hat and black frock coat, and he was carrying a Gladstone bag.

"The man turned his head to look straight at them, although his normal-looking face seemed blank and unaware of the presence of the car. Tom slammed on the brakes, but there was too much momentum and the car simply went through the man.

"Both Tom and Peter were convinced they had killed someone and got out of the car as soon as it came to a halt. Tom burst into tears; he was that shocked."\

Dr Gandy continued: "Tentatively they looked behind the car but there was nothing to be found. A week later Peter decided to pay a visit to the Halfway Inn to talk to the landlord about the episode; his friend Tom point blank refused to go with him.

"The landlord confirmed several other people had had similar experiences over the years. He believed that what had been seen was the ghost of a doctor who had attended a birth at the inn, and upon leaving had stepped out into the road only to be run over and killed by a horse and carriage.”


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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