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34908 facts from 176 countries related to 1183 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2817 of them were solved, another 10870 are under verification for compliance with one of the 320 versions.

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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Netherlands

ID #1685529953
Added Wed, 31/05/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
31.05.2023 00:03

A bright flashing light is seen in the sky of Rosendahl.

An eyewitness reports:

4x single bright flash of light. 2 times in a row, 1 time and 1 more time. ( Morse code . - - - say) bigger than a star and brighter. White light

Original news

Fel flitsend licht?

ROOSENDAAL, NB — In de staart van de leeuw. 4x een enkele felle lichtflits. 2x na elkaar, 1x en nog 1x. (Morse . - - - zeg maar) Qua formaat groter dan een ster en feller. Wit licht


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Vandenberg AFB, California (USA) Vehicle: Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) Payload: Starlink v1.5 G2-10-1 (Starlink 6197) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-2 (Starlink 6198) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-3 (Starlink 5978) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-4 (Starlink 6342) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-5 (Starlink 6339) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-6 (Starlink 6275) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-7 (Starlink 6296) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-8 (Starlink 6190) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-9 (Starlink 6292) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-10 (Starlink 6274) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-11 (Starlink 5582) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-12 (Starlink 6304) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-13 (Starlink 6231) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-14 (Starlink 5963) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-15 (Starlink 5989) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-16 (Starlink 6352) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-17 (Starlink 6357) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-18 (Starlink 6354) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-19 (Starlink 5931) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-20 (Starlink 6341) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-21 (Starlink 6326) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-22 (Starlink 6336) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-23 (Starlink 6325) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-24 (Starlink 6345) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-25 (Starlink 5977) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-26 (Starlink 6046) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-27 (Starlink 6052) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-28 (Starlink 6060) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-29 (Starlink 6061) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-30 (Starlink 6049) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-31 (Starlink 6058) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-32 (Starlink 6068) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-33 (Starlink 5953) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-34 (Starlink 6036) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-35 (Starlink 6087) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-36 (Starlink 6070) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-37 (Starlink 6029) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-38 (Starlink 6069) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-39 (Starlink 6064) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-40 (Starlink 6072) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-41 (Starlink 6073) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-42 (Starlink 6042) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-43 (Starlink 6040) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-44 (Starlink 6031) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-45 (Starlink 6063) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-46 (Starlink 6065) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-47 (Starlink 6056) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-48 (Starlink 6059) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-49 (Starlink 6057) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-50 (Starlink 6067) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-51 (Starlink 5982) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-52 (Starlink 6028) Starlink v1.5 G2-10-1, ..., G2-10-52


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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