Initial data
On the evening of Friday, September 18, 2009, at 22:12:50, Robert Mircea, a reporter for the newspaper ZIUA, was on the terrace of the Arc de Triomphe, open to the public, on the occasion of the events in connection with the Days of Bucharest, with a Canon - 450 D digital camera, with an 18-55 mm lens, and photographed in the direction of Kazinskaya churches.
After uploading the images, he noticed on the left of the image, in two photos, a light phenomenon in the form of a boomerang, which he did not notice with the naked eye. Robert Mircea photographs only as an amateur, in his spare time.
The information was provided by his colleague Adrian-Nicolae Popescu, a correspondent of the newspaper ZIUA.
Original news
In seara de vineri - 18 septembrie 2009, la orele 22:12:50, Robert Mircea, reporter la ziarul ZIUA, se afla pe terasa Arcului de Triumf, deschisa pentru public, cu prilejul manifestarilor legate de Zilele Bucurestiului si afectuat cu un aparat digital Canon - 450 D, cu obiectiv de 18-55 mm, fotografii in directia Bisericii Casin. Descarcand imaginile, a observat in stanga imaginii, pe doua fotografii, un fenomen luminos in forma de bumerang pe care nu l-a remarcat cu ochiul liber. Mentionam ca Robert Mircea se ocupa de fotografii doar ca amator, in timpul liber. Informatia ne-a fost furnizata de colegul sau, Adrian-Nicolae Popescu - reporter ziarul ZIUA.
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