Initial data
On August 24, 2006, at about 13:45, Dragos Korciova noticed the appearance of a white, compact, very small cloud in the area of the Bucharest Northern Railway Station in a completely clear sky, inside which he was. the impression that the object.
He took a series of 1,537 images of the object's evolution using a digital instrument in 20 minutes. Along the way, other small clouds appeared, and the initial one increased. Here is a fragment of one of the images from the beginning of the sequence.
Original news
Pe 24 august 2006, in jurul orei 13.45, Dragos Corciova a observat in zona Garii de Nord din Bucuresti, pe un cer complet senin, aparitia unui nor alb, compact, de foarte mici dimensiuni, in interiorul caruia a avut impresia ca se ascunde un obiect. A efectuat cu un aparat digital, timp de 20 de minute, o secventa de 1537 imagini asupra evolutiei obiectului. Pe parcurs au aparut si alti norisori de mici dimensiuni, iar cel initial s-a marit. Prezentam un fragment din una dintre imaginile de la inceputul secventei.
Rocket launches (from
- Site: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Soyuz-U Payload: Progress-M 56
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