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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. New Zealand

ID #1689595798
Added Mon, 17/07/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
02.07.2005 06:00
долина Вайхопай, Мальборо, Южный остров
New Zealand

Date: July 2, 2005

Time: 6.00 – 6.30

Location: Waihopai Valley, Marlborough, South Island.

Features/Characteristics: an object with colored rotating lights follows the car

The witness states:

"I live in Waihopai Valley, Marlboro. On July 2, 2005, at six in the morning, my daughter and I were driving 26 km along a winding gravel road through mountainous terrain on the way to Christchurch. It was pitch dark, no moon, no stars, while we walked along the river for a while, approaching Netherwood station.

Looking ahead, we saw a very bright, oblong, pulsating light hovering about a couple hundred feet above the hills further down the valley. The object had lights flashing from one side to the other — red, blue, green and white — and they would flash sequentially throughout the oblong object, changing colors as they progressed.

Suddenly the light fell right on us. I thought: "Damn it! Leave us alone!" I was afraid and worried about my daughter. The object did not make a sound, as it was approaching us very quickly, and its lights were about a thousand times brighter than the lights of a helicopter or airplane. 

We turned the corner, heading away from him. He made a circle, following us, and ended up on our left. It's a narrow road, and when we drove over the hill, it skirted it and reappeared at the top or around the other side. This went on for a while and I struggled to focus on driving as it was dark and the road was winding. I tried not to say anything that would scare my daughter. When we climbed the notch, it disappeared behind the hill, and when we circled the slope, he caught up with us again from the other side and appeared right in front of us. 

The light from the object illuminated the entire ravine and illuminated all the pines.

Fearing for our safety, I thought to myself that if we get to the next house and can still see the object, I will enter the farmhouse. When we got to the farm, we looked back and didn't see the light anymore, so we continued driving along the road, thinking that it had disappeared. However, when we looked, there was light again. It seemed that it somehow read our thoughts or "knew" that we were afraid, because now it suddenly became further away from us, over the crests of the hills between the valleys of Vaihopai and Vairau. But he still followed us at a distance for a full half hour all the way down the valley to Blenheim. We continued to drive out of the valley, and the object continued to hover over the hills until we eventually lost sight of it.

For the next two or three days, my daughter had headaches, sore eyes and nausea, with a lack of appetite. I didn't have these symptoms, and I can only explain it by the fact that I was driving and focused on the road, while she was watching a very bright object most of the way, sometimes very close. We didn't have any missed time. 

After this event, I called a helicopter pilot who flies a lot in the Waihopai Valley, and he said that at that time it would have been too dark to fly in the valley by helicopter."

Original news

Date: 2 July 2005

Time: 6.00 – 6.30 am

Location: Waihopai Valley, Marlborough, South Island

Features/characteristics: object with coloured rotating lights follows car


The witness states, “I live in the Waihopai Valley, Marlborough. On the 2nd July 2005, at six in the morning, my daughter and I were driving the 26 km down the winding gravel road through mountainous terrain, on our way to Christchurch. It was pitch black, with no moon or stars, as we followed the river for a while approaching Netherwood Station.

Looking ahead, we saw an extremely bright, oblong, pulsating light hovering about a couple of hundred feet above the hills further along the valley. The object had lights flashing from one side to the other – red, blue, green and white – and they would flash in sequence across the oblong, changing colours as they went.

Suddenly, the light came straight towards us. I thought, “Oh shit! Leave us alone!” I was scared and concerned for my daughter. The object made no sound as it approached us really rapidly, and the lights were about a thousand times brighter than helicopter or plane lights. We turned a corner heading up the cutting away from it. It circled around following us and came up on our left hand side. It is a narrow road and as we went in behind a hill, it would go around behind it, and reappear over the top or around the other side. This went on for some time, and I was trying hard to concentrate on the driving, as it was dark and the road is winding. I was trying not to say anything that would frighten my daughter. As we went up a cutting, it disappeared behind a hill, and as we drove around the hillside, it caught up with us again from the other side and appeared straight out in front of us. The glow from the object illuminated the entire gully and lit up all the pine trees.

Fearing for our safety, I thought to myself that if we got to the next house and we could still see the object, I would go into the farmhouse. When we got to the farm, we looked back and couldn’t see the light any more, so we continued driving on down the road thinking it had gone. However when we looked, there was the light again. It seemed as if it had somehow read our minds, or ‘knew’ we were afraid, because now it suddenly stayed further away from us, over the ridges of the hills between the Waihopai and Wairau valleys. But it still followed us at a distance for a full half hour all the way down the valley towards Blenheim. We continued driving out of the valley and the object stayed hovering over the hills until we eventually lost sight of it.

For the following two or three days my daughter was sick with headaches, sore eyes and nausea, with a lack of appetite. I did not have these symptoms and I can only put this down to the fact that I was driving and concentrating on the road, whereas she was watching the very bright object, sometimes quite close, for most of the journey. We did not have any missing time. After this event, I rang a helicopter pilot who flies in the Waihopai Valley a lot and he said it would have been too dark to have been flying a helicopter in the valley at that time.”


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