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UFO. Russia

ID #1693580263
Added Fri, 01/09/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
25.01.1985 18:30
Arkhangelskaya oblast

Povetkina Galina Fedorovna writes to the Commission on the:

I read yesterday in the "Labor" for January 30, 1985 about an unusual phenomenon in the stratosphere under the heading "Exactly at 4.10". And I want to share my observations with you.

On January 25 of this year, my daughter and I were returning from the store, the time was about 18-30. I was taking my daughter on a sled, talking to her, and suddenly she asks me, "Mom, what is this?"- "Where?" - "And over there in the sky?" I said "A month. She didn't understand me, she's 3 years 5 months old." Then I said it was the Moon, she knows that from "Good Night, kids." She says, "Is there a star nearby?" - "Yes. But this unusual star also interested me. It was located to the right of the moon, was unusually light and larger than the polar one.

I looked around the whole sky, but I didn't find a single star in the sky. I thought maybe it was a spaceship, but why isn't it moving?. If it is a star, then why are there no other stars? And it was unusual in shape. I was impressed by what I saw for several days, and then, absorbed in household chores, I forgot about it. Yesterday, returning from the store at the same time, I again automatically looked at the sky, but I no longer found this star. and only late in the evening I read in the newspaper about an unusual phenomenon, and decided to share my observations with you. I wonder if there is anything in common here?

Why did I decide to write? Yes, because the pilots also noticed an unblinking star first. didn't we observe the same star? This vision still haunts me.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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