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UFO. Russia

ID #1695735612
Added Tue, 26/09/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Krasnodarskiy kray

N.V. Petrova writes to the Commission on AYA.:

And what did Sharik think?

I've been wanting to tell this story for a long time. I have a house in the Krasnodar Territory in the village of Bratskoye. It happened 15 years ago in the summer. The daughter-in-law arrived, the whole evening was watered, cucumbers and tomatoes were watered. In the evening, they turned on the radio, music, rested in the deck chairs, she looks into the distance and suddenly says: "Over there, over the pond, a UFO can land on the field, it's a very convenient place." I say, "Is that what you want?"She: "I feel that way"

In the morning she left for Rostov. Evening has come again, the sky is starry, black as soot. A neighbor came, and with her a dog, a ball. We pulled out a table into the yard, brewed tea, sat, drank, talked. The ball is sleeping peacefully under the table. And then I remembered our conversation with my daughter-in-law and told the neighbor, she was surprised how to feel it. "She's not like everyone else at all, she reads other people's thoughts, she can hold knives and forks on her chest, he doesn't fall off her." Well, we talked and forgot, there was already another topic for conversation. Suddenly, it was there, across the pond in the field, that it happened. Two diamond-shaped objects lit up in the sky not high above the ground, one above and the other below. They hung there for a minute and went out. We were numb. Then again, much lower, but like this: one higher, the other lower, a thousand electric bulbs lit up and all burned with yellow light and soon everything went out again, as if they wanted to say "the daughter-in-law did not feel in vain. And here we are."

We were silent for a while, the ball disappeared, we didn't know where it was. When we found speech, we called Sharik. He crawled out, he crawled out, and did not come out, and moved like a plast from the lilac bushes, his face was scared. Well, we also got a little scared, but we understand that it could be something terrible, but what did Sharik think?

The next day we tell our families, they don't believe us, why only the two of us saw it? One guy even joked, "If they had left a couple of bottles of vodka in that clearing..."

After the passage of time, I already remember not diamond-shaped, but rectangular objects and they are quite large, and Klava said that they were round.

After a few years, we became seriously ill, but maybe this is natural - the time has come, because she is under 70, and I am over 70. Who knows? She started having some attacks - I had shingles very badly, and now hypertension, depression.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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