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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1699697263
Added Sat, 11/11/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
База ВВС Ванденберг
United States

Former senior patrol officer of the US Air Force Jeff Nucketelli shared his memories of a mysterious UFO incident that occurred in 2003 over Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The events of this day are revealed in detail during the current Congressional hearings.

The air patrol encountered something unimaginable - a huge red glowing square the size of a football field. Nukketelli recalled how "real hell" began when the object was approaching the base.

"It's flying right at us. It's flying right at us. Now it's right here," the patrolmen shouted in horror over the radio.

Nukketelli stressed that these officers are professionals, trained observers who are well versed in aerial objects.

"I didn't have the feeling that they were in a hurry because there was a UFO," he said.

Upon arrival at the scene, Nucketelli conducted interviews with witnesses, among whom were at least six patrol officers of the US Air Force.

"They described that the object was approaching chaotically, became brighter as it approached, and then suddenly took off after stopping at a checkpoint," he said.

Congress and military agencies continue to investigate the incident, questioning standard explanations and forcing society to think about the presence of unexplained phenomena in our airspace.


In October 2003, an extraordinary incident occurred at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, where military contractors and Air Force police witnessed an unidentified flying object (UFO) described as a "giant floating red square" with a length of more than 100 yards.

The event, which has remained largely classified for two decades, was recently revealed by former US Air Force security officer Jeff Nucchetelli.

Nucchetelli, who was a senior patrolman at the time, has now publicly shared his account of the investigation he conducted after the discovery.

Speaking on the Merged podcast, he stressed the credibility of the witnesses, noting that they were contractors with top-secret clearance and trained observers familiar with airplanes and other common sights.

The incident escalated into chaos: employees expressed fear and excitement on the radio as the UFO approached. Nucchetelli described the scene as chaos, with people screaming and scared.

"I'm going to jump in the car, and then hell starts," he recalls. "And they start shouting on the radio, 'It's coming right at us.' It's coming right at us. Now it's here.

It was hard to hear because they were screaming and were scared. When I showed up, it was just chaos... everyone is thrilled. They're scared. Everyone is terrified," Nucchetelli told the Merged host.

He interviewed six people guarding the Space Launch Complex 4 (SLC-4), who reported that the object was moving erratically, getting bigger and brighter before rushing towards them, and then suddenly disappeared.

"These guys are trained observers," Nucchetelli said. "They are on duty there, you know, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They know what airplanes look like. They know what fishing boats look like. I didn't have the feeling that they just hurried because there was a UFO."

Nucchetelli believes that at least 80 people know about the incident, not to mention contractors and fellow officers who witnessed it directly. He is currently trying to find these people for new interviews.

This second UFO sighting, which Nucchetelli documented in a police bulletin, occurred over the same complex currently leased by Elon Musk's SpaceX.

The first collision that day occurred with Boeing contractors, who reported a UFO silently floating over the launch pad and glowing red at a low altitude.

Since then, Nucchetelli has provided his findings to the Pentagon's General Anomaly Resolution Department (AARO) and is actively trying to reconnect with witnesses for further interrogations.

His revelations complement the ongoing discussion and investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena (NAP) and their implications for national security and aerospace security.

Original news

In October 2003, an extraordinary incident occurred at Vandenberg air force base in California, where military contractors and air force police witnessed an unidentified flying object (UFO) described as a “gigantic floating red square” over 100 yards in length.

The event, which has remained largely under wraps for two decades, was recently brought to light by former US Air Force security officer Jeff Nuccetelli.

Nuccetelli, who was a senior patrolman at the time, has now publicly shared his account of the rapid-response investigation he led following the sighting.

Speaking on the Merged podcast, he emphasized the credibility of the witnesses, noting that they were contractors with top-secret clearances and trained observers familiar with aircraft and other common sights.

The incident unfolded into chaos, with personnel expressing fear and excitement over the radio as the UFO approached. Nuccetelli described the scene as mayhem, with people screaming and scared.

“I’m getting ready to jump in the car, and then all hell breaks loose,” he recalled. “And they start screaming over the radio, ‘It’s coming right at us. It’s coming right for us. Now it’s right here.'”

“It was hard to hear, because they were screaming and they were scared.”

‘When I showed up, it’s just mayhem… Everybody’s excited. They’re scared. Everyone’s freaked out,” Nuccetelli told Merged host.

He interviewed about six individuals guarding the Space Launch Complex 4 (SLC-4), who reported that the object moved erratically, growing bigger and brighter before speeding towards them and then abruptly vanishing.

“These guys are trained observers,” said Nuccetelli. “They’re posted out there, you know, 24/7. They know what aircraft look like. They know what fishing boats look like.”

“I didn’t feel like they were just jumping the gun, because there had been a UFO.”

Nuccetelli is of the opinion that a minimum of 80 individuals are aware of the incident, not to mention the contractors and fellow officers who directly witnessed it. He is currently engaged in efforts to locate these individuals for new interviews.

This second sighting of the UFO, which Nuccetelli documented in a police blotter, occurred above the same complex currently leased by Elon Musk’s SpaceX.

The first encounter that day involved Boeing contractors who reported the UFO silently floating over a launchpad, glowing red at a low altitude.

Nuccetelli has since provided his findings to the Pentagon’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) and is actively seeking to reconnect with witnesses for further interviews.

His revelations add to the ongoing discussion and investigation into unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and their implications for national security and aerospace safety.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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