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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Russia

ID #1700820748
Added Fri, 24/11/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
26.09.1990 23:00
Байконурская улица д 7
Leningradskaya oblast

From the letter of Lyudmila Nikolaevna Minkova to the Commission on:

I inform you that on September 26, 1990, my mother-in-law and I observed an unidentified flying object from the window of a house located at 7 Baikonurskaya Street. (9th floor). I attach to the letter a drawing of the location of our house and a panorama of the area near the house, a drawing of a UFO, as I saw it.

At 23 o'clock I went to the window of the room where my son was sleeping. The window faces the west side, from it the area of the new building of Lake Dolgo is visible on the right, on the left, the lighting installations of the Kirov stadium. In front of the windows of the house, which is a continuation of Bogatyrsky Avenue, Black River,. parking for cars, a wasteland-dump, a little to the left Seraphim cemetery.

High in the sky above the new buildings of the Long Lake area, I saw a UFO. He attracted my attention by emitting a pulsating bright light the color of an electric bulb. Its size was much larger than the star "Venus", which was clearly visible in the sky.

That evening the sky was clear and starry, so I switched my attention to the stars several times to determine whether this object looked like them or not. I am absolutely responsible to inform you that the object did not look like stars. And the fact that it hung motionless (for some time) in the sky, I exclude it belonged to an airplane. I called my mother-in-law to the window, because she does not believe in the existence of UFOs and in all the stories related to it. I wanted to show her specifically what a UFO is. The two of us watched the object for 40 minutes, discussing the options of the object belonging to the stars or airplanes, but came to the conclusion that it is neither one nor the other.

How did the object behave? He hung motionless for a while, then slowly began to move across the sky. But he moved, then stopped, and at some moments stopped for a long time. During its stop and movement, pulsating lights or a glow of red and green were observed, and this object unfolded as it turned from a point into a line along the length of which red, green and the colors of an electric lamp flashed simultaneously in a halo of electric light.

Then my mother-in-law and I remembered the presence of theater binoculars in the house. we took advantage of it. Of course, it magnifies very little, but it allowed us to clearly see the turns of the object and the flickering (pulsating) of multicolored lights. All the lights pulsed clearly. the object periodically moved, then hung motionless. At some periods, its movement was abrupt. Then he began to slowly move away towards the forest or the sea, became barely distinguishable, 50 minutes after the start of the observation, I moved away from the window, returned again, the object continued to decrease (melt). At 24 o'clock, when I went to the window again, he was gone. And the stars in the sky continued to shine with their neon light. the object went in the direction of the northwest.

In the drawing, I tried to draw a plan from the window of the room, but since I am not a topographer, inaccuracies are possible.


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