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UFO. Argentina

ID #1702080154
Added Sat, 09/12/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Пунта-Альта Buenos Aires

 "Go catch this UFO": Puerto Belgrano CE-2 – September 1978 Carlos Alberto Yurchuk:

 I visited my friend Eduardo on February 1, 2009. He was one of the main characters of the UFO encounter at the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base during his compulsory military service in 1978. It is the main base of the Argentine Navy, located in the south of Buenos Aires province near the city of Punta Alta, about 30 kilometers from the city of Bahia Blanca.

 As a preamble, Eduardo explained:

"The battalion I served in was assigned to guard the base. It was a security battalion that guarded the entire facility. This was our only function in the military service."

 In the evening, there was a group called GAO (Grupo A la Orden – Rapid Reaction Group), which was supposed to be the first to respond in case of any attack on the base, not counting those who stood guard. The rapid response team spent the night in the guardhouse – there were six of us soldiers, an officer on duty and a junior officer on duty. It was standard. GAO has existed at all times. We weren't always the same because there was a rotation.

 "The security post where the incident occurred is number 215, the last security post on the base, located next to the store. A special feature of this post was the presence of a junior officer - usually a corporal - in addition to a soldier, since it had a gate that opened onto a road used exclusively for the military, connecting the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base with the Comandante Espore Naval Base. The station is located in the city of Bahia Blanca.

 We kept in touch with each other through portable radios. We even had the opportunity to tell each other jokes among the soldiers, chat and joke about the attack, as well as play with radios. While our buddies were on guard, GAO was asleep if nothing was happening. The joke was to simulate an attack on the base in order to disturb the sleeping guys.

 One night, one of the many on guard duty, I joined the GAO. Around two o'clock in the morning, we heard on one of the portable devices that the base was attacked, namely post 215. We paid a lot of attention to this, given the critical nature of the post. The officer on duty, aware of these antics, was especially attentive because he heard gunfire in the background. More importantly, since there was a junior officer in this post, he did not take part in the soldiers' games. After receiving the warning, a group of six soldiers, an officer and a junior officer on duty quickly headed to post 215 in a pickup truck.

 Arriving at the scene, we saw a corporal and sentry post 215 shooting at everyone. Fired at repeatedly, shouting, as if saying "they are there, there!"   About 150 meters from post 215 there was another post with a sentry who was also shooting at something."

 At this point, Eduardo made the following clarification: "Opposite the base and along the road there were two groves of eucalyptus or pine trees, I'm not sure, but they were large, tall trees that obscured everything. There was no light, nothing. The only light came from the base, illuminating the perimeter. Behind the light of the base was total darkness. Nothing at all.

 Heading down the road towards Bahia Blanca, the ocean was on the left. There was the sea, a small grove, and then another one on the right. Everyone was shooting at the one on the right. But not one shot, that is, if it was a soldier's joke, only one or two shots would have been fired. There was desperation, longing, and many cries of attack in this volley of fire, and countless shots were fired.

 Faced with this situation, the officer asked the corporal at post 215 what he had seen. And the guy says he saw a UFO.

 We were stunned because I don't know a better word to describe it. We didn't know if we should laugh or not, but given the circumstances and the shooting of our fellow soldiers, we had our doubts. The officer couldn't think of anything better than to order us to catch a UFO.

 So they opened the gate connecting the ammunition depot to the road. We moved forward in a fighting stance, crossing the perimeter of the barbed wire. There was an alley, we crossed it and walked thirty meters at most. On this small road, with two groves of trees on either side of us, we were greeted by a very bright light.

 I can't describe its shape. I can tell you that it was like kalecita. Not a flattened shape, but rather calesites, somewhat larger in size. A large carousel. Very bright light, but not white. It was a very intense sky blue color that did not dazzle you, but rather allowed you to look at it."

 Eduardo adds that when they observed the light, there was no sound, no smell, no fog.

 "Just as it appeared, it rose up. Don't ask me how long it took. It could have been forever or microseconds. He went up in a straight line and disappeared into nowhere."

 He approached the place where the UFO was. "I didn't see anything. There was nothing tangible–no burnt trees, no smells, nothing special. Nothing on the ground or in the trees. There are no damaged trees either."

 The shells fired at UFOs were fired from FAL (Belgian light automatic rifles). 

"They have an effective range of 800 meters. The magazine holds 20 rounds, and much more than one clip was used. There must have been a distance of about 150 meters from the guard post – post 215 – to the place where I saw the light. So yes, it was a target that even a bad shot could hit. In fact, my comrades weren't aiming, they were just shooting. At the same time, those of us who were in the rapid response team did not fire a single shot. I had a feeling of intense cold, while one of my friends was seized with heat. I guess it could be related to our fear of running into this thing."

 From the moment of the first call for help to the disappearance of the UFO, about half an hour passed.

 "At that moment, we were taken aside and forbidden to discuss this topic for security reasons. This issue was never discussed again. We shouldn't have discussed this. There was no explanation–these were our orders.

 "During the day, more and more people went to explore this place. They were not outsiders, just people from the base itself, but not from our battalion. We soldiers have never been interrogated. I think the officer was interrogated the most. We were just told that this is not a topic for discussion and is not subject to discussion. No debriefing, nothing. They were senior officers: Navy, Marines, but not even from our battalion. They were from the base, but who knows where.

 As part of military service, it was very, very common to hear soldiers say, "Hey, I saw a UFO" after they were on guard duty along the posts facing the sea, along the beach. No one believed them. What could be seen and discussed in the ranks were strange lights making very strange, fast movements that they mistook for UFOs. It was the most common thing.

 You don't believe in them until you see them. To the point that I never talked about it again. Always. Why? Because of the fear that you will be ridiculed, not believed, not taken seriously. And you can just leave it as a passing joke."

Original news

 “Go Capture that UFO”: The Puerto Belgrano CE-2 – September 1978

By Carlos Alberto Iurchuk

 I visited my friend Eduardo on February 1, 2009. He had been one of the protagonists of a UFO encounter at the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base while doing his compulsory military service in the year 1978. This is the main base of the Argentinean Navy, located in southern Buenos Aires province near the city of Punta Alta, some 30 kilometers from the city of Bahía Blanca.

 As a preamble, Eduardo explained: “the battalion I served with was assigned custody of the base. It was a security battalion that stood guard throughout the facility. That was our only function within the Military Service.”

 In the evening there was a group called GAO (Grupo A la Orden – Rapid Response Group) that would be the first responders in the event of any attack on the base, aside from those standing watch. The rapid response group slept in a guardhouse – we were six soldiers, a duty officer and a duty sub-officer. This was standard. The GAO existed at all times. We weren’t always the same, since there was a rotation involved.

 Post 215

 “The guard post where the incident occurred was 215, which was the last guard post in the base, located near the magazine. This post had the particular characteristic of having a sub-officer  - generally a corporal – aside from a soldier, since it had a gate that opened to a road used exclusively for the military, linking the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base with the Comandante Espora Naval Air Station, located in the city of Bahía Blanca.

 “We kept in contact with each other by means of handheld radios. We even had a way of telling each other jokes, among the soldiers, communicating and joking about an attack, and playing around with the radios. While our buddies were standing guard, the GAO was asleep, provided there was nothing going on. The prank consisted in simulating an attack on the base to bother the guys who were sleeping.

 “One night, one of many on sentry duty, I formed part of the GAO. At around two o’clock in the morning, we could hear over one of the handheld units that the base was under attack – namely Post 215. We paid considerable attention to this, given the critical nature of the post. The duty officer, aware of these pranks, was particularly mindful because he could hear weapons firing in the background. More importantly, since there was a sub-officer at that post, he took no part in the soldiers’ games. Once alerted, the group took off speedily toward Post 215 aboard a pickup truck – six soldiers, the officer and the duty sub-officer.

 “Go Capture That UFO”

 “Upon reaching the site, we saw Post 215’s corporal and sentry, firing against all comers. The fired repeatedly, screaming, as if saying “they’re over there, over there!”  Approximately 150 meters from Post 215 was another post with a sentry, who was also firing at something.”

 At this point, Eduardo made the following clarification: “Facing the base and along the road there were two stands of eucalyptus or pine trees, I’m not sure, but they were large, tall trees that darkened everything. There was no light, nothing. The only light came from the base, lighting up the perimeter. Beyond the base’s light was total darkness. Nothing at all.

 “Heading toward Bahía Blanca along the road, the ocean was on the left. There was the sea, a little stand of trees, and then another one to the right. Everyone was firing against the one on the right. But not just one shot – that is to say, had it been a soldiers’ prank, only one or two rounds would’ve been fired. This volley of fire had despair, anguish and much shouting of being under attack, and countless rounds fired.

 “Faced with this situation, the officer asked the corporal at Post 215 what he’d seen. And the guy says he saw a UFO.

 “We were stunned, because I don’t know a better word to describe it. We didn’t know if we should laugh or not, but in view of the circumstances, and our fellow soldiers firing away, we had our doubts. The officer couldn’t think of anything better to do than order us to capture the UFO.

 The UFO

 “So they opened the gate that links the munitions dump with the road. We moved forward in a fighting posture, crossing the barbwire perimeter. There was a side street, we crossed it and progressed some thirty meters at most. Along that little road, with the two stands of trees flanking us, we were faced by a very bright light.

 “I cannot describe its shape. I can tell you that it was like a calesita. Not a flattened shape, but rather that of a calesita, somewhat larger. A big carousel. A very bright light, but not white in color. It was a very intense sky blue that didn’t blind you, rather it allowed you to look at it.”

 Eduardo adds that there was no sound, smell or fog present as they observed the light.

 “Just like it emerged, it rose upward. Don’t ask me how long it took. It could have been an eternity or microseconds. It took up in a straight line and vanished into nothing.”

 He approached the place the UFO had been. “I saw nothing. There was nothing palpable – no burned trees, no odors, nothing in particular. Nothing on the ground, or the trees. No damaged trees either.”

 The rounds fired against the UFO had come from FALs (Belgian light automatic rifles). “They have an effective range of 800 meters. The magazine holds 20 rounds and they used much more than a single clip. From the guard post – Post 215 – to where I saw the light there must have been a distance of 150 meters, more or less. So yes, it was a target that even a bad shot could hit. In fact, my comrades weren’t aiming, just firing away. In all this, those of us with the Rapid Response Group didn’t fire a single shot. The sensation I had was of intense cold, while one of my buddies was overwhelmed by heat. I suppose this could have been due to the fear we had of running into that thing.”

 Approximately half an hour elapsed from the initial call for help until seeing the UFO disappear.

 “At that moment, we were taken aside and forbidden to discuss the subject due to security reasons. The matter was never spoken of again. We were not to discuss it. No explanations were offered – these were our orders.

 “As the day went on, more people went to investigate the site. They weren’t outsiders, just people from the base itself, but not from our battalion. We, the soldiers, were never interrogated. I believe that the most questioned must’ve been the officer. We were simply told that this was not a subject for discussion, and it was not to be discussed. No debriefing, nothing. These were higher-ranking officers: Navy, Marines, but not even from our battalion. They were from the base, but who knows from where.”

 Other Sightings

 “Within the Military Service it was very, very common to hear soldiers remark: “Hey, I saw a UFO” after pulling guard duty along the posts facing the sea, along the beach. No one believed them. What could be seen, and what was discussed among the ranks, were strange lights making very odd, swift movements, which they took to be UFOs. That was the most common thing.

 “You don’t believe in them until you get to see them. To the extent that I never again spoke about it. Ever. Why? Out a fear of being mocked, not believed, not taken seriously. And one merely lets it go as a passing anecdote.”

 (Translation (c) 2011, Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Carlos Iurchuk, El Dragón Invisible)


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