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UFO. Russia

ID #1705752056
Added Sat, 20/01/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
21.05.1979 12:00
Улица Балтийская, 25
Kareliya, Respublika

Vinogradova Svetlana Ivanovna writes to the Commission on:

On May 21, 1979, between 12 and 13 o'clock, I was in my apartment, sitting next to my daughter on the floor, and suddenly I saw an incomprehensible sight through the window. The sky was generally cloudless that day, but there was a single cloud hanging directly under the Sun - that's what attracted my attention. the fact is that this cloud was crossed by a straight line, a kind of ray, cut off at both ends. The intersection was at about 45 degrees () see the picture. The cloud was flat from below. Its color was white, with a tint of mother-of-pearl.

the area where I live (Kulikovka) is on a hill, so we have a very good view from the apartment window. The cloud was hanging in the south, the angle of the place was about 45 degrees above the horizon. I thought for a moment that this stripe was a trace from an airplane, but I watched it for 5-6 minutes, and it did not change, therefore it could not be a trace from an airplane - it blurs quite quickly, and this stripe was very clear, geometrically correct. Then I took a monocular with 8x magnification and began to observe the xtu picture.

At that moment, the most interesting thing happened: the cloud suddenly tipped over on its side, became like an edge, turned into a stripe, and a "plate" flew out of it and flew straight away from me, as if into space. It began to decrease very quickly, right in front of our eyes, and in just half a second it disappeared, "melted", even before it turned into a dot. It looked like the planet Svturn, if you look at the enlarged image of this planet from above, or, for example, at the view from above (see the picture).

The angular size of the "plate" was about the size of a saucer. She was flying away from me at an angle, that is, as I said, I saw her somewhat from above and from the side. we live on the 5th floor, so perhaps the angle of view from below would be slightly different. The color of the "plate" is pearl-milky, the color of the cloud is closer to milky, but the color of the stripe crossing the cloud and the "plates" were exactly the same. Her departure from the cloud was slightly up from the cloud (about 5 degrees) and deeper, i.e. from me.

The cloud was about 3-4 times larger than the "plate" in width. The length of the ray (strip) occupied about 6 diameters of the Moon's disk.

as soon as the whole picture disappeared - both the "plate" and the cloud, the hum of an airplane sounded, I clearly remember that it was the hum of a small plane that was flying quite low above the ground. And then three jet planes appeared at once: two of them flew on the left in a parallel course, and the third appeared on the right. they were approaching the place where I saw the cloud and then the "plate". Then I noticed the following: the tracks from the planes very soon evaporated and disappeared from the sky, and their structure was, of course, not solid, they consisted of separate grains, as it were, like all traces from jet planes; at the same time, the stripe that crossed the cloud was completely solid: in color not milky white, but kind of translucent. and once again, I emphasize that the cloud from below was, as it were, cut off by a line.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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