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UFO. Russia

ID #1706714774
Added Wed, 31/01/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
08.08.1965 21:00
река Кондома
Kemerovskaya oblast

Silkin Yuri Nikolaevich writes to the Commission on:

A man, a former geophysicist, who saw an alien spaceship in Siberia in 1965, is writing to you.

It's a good start, isn't it?

I saw him not alone, but a large number of people, but about the witnesses at the end of the letter.

In 1965, on August 8, I was with a geologist on the banks of the Kondoma River in the Kemerovo region. I raised my head and saw the spacecraft "hanging" at an angle of about 60 degrees at azimuth 135 (southeast), the time was 21 hours. The geologist and I observed it for 30 minutes and took the second azimuth, already at the start of the ship = 180 degrees (south) Time 21-30! The launch of the ship lasted 60 seconds: during this time, the ship, no less than a lunar disk long (there was no moon in the sky) turned into a noticeable star and that's it!!! The acceleration of the ship turned out to be 44 kilometers per second squared.

Having two azimuths and an angle, as well as a launch time, I determined the height of the ship's hover above the earth's surface = 1600 km using geometric constructions. By analogy with the Lunar disk, the dimensions of the ship are visible 10.4 km, local = 23.92 km (taking into account the direction of 23.5 degrees) The diameter is 5 km. Acceleration was found by taking the reduction in the size of the ship by 50 times in a time of 60 seconds. At this acceleration, in 1 hour and 48 minutes the ship will reach the speed of light, and in a few more hours it will leave the solar system behind. The spaceship was heading to a point in the celestial sphere with coordinates declination of 44 degrees, ascension of 17 hours and 30 minutes - the constellation Hercules. It's practically the apex of the Sun, which suggests a starship. Only from our Galaxy. I don't believe in starships from other galaxies yet.

What is curious is that the start is very convenient - it is almost perpendicular to the ecliptic (so it is safe) and the Sun is still in the tail.

When observing the ship for 30 minutes, nothing has changed, nor has anything new appeared. To the right of the ship's hull, a star remained in the same place. No contour blurring, shadows, or geometry changes were observed.

At launch, the yellow vibrating strip was replaced by violet-blue-blue radiation coming out of the bell, which (apparently) represented an ellipse to the observer. I tried to study this issue carefully. I came to the conclusion that the engine is based on the use of very powerful, dense and directed photon radiation - ultraviolet radiation. This conclusion can indeed be drawn from the visible picture of the start. In any case, all other versions have disappeared, and you can't write much in a letter, and the subject matter is complicated and slippery.

In 1983, a witness saw a similar picture in about the same place, but I don't know the details.

Nevertheless, assuming that this is the same ship that flew and returned back, then the distance to the Guest star will be 18-1 by 2. You need to look for a star in the constellation Hercules or Lyra, which is 8.5 light-years away from us. I did not consider the curvature of the flight path, but I think it cannot be large.


The witnesses are about 8 people, all professional geologists working in the same organization in Leningrad. Among them is the one who saw the second ship.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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