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UFO. Russia

ID #1709898188
Added Fri, 08/03/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
1976 19:00
Товарищеский проспект
Leningradskaya oblast

A report on the observation of an unusual object by Leonova L.V. in Leningrad.

One evening in 1976, between 19 and 20 o'clock, I was on Comrade Avenue. I was taking a child on a sledge to the clinic. The weather was calm and frosty, there was no wind, and the stars were shining brightly in the dark sky. There is a large wasteland between my house and the one next to it on the avenue. somewhere in the middle of the way, I stopped, checking the equipment of the sledge and heard the voice of a military man who happened to be nearby: "That's where you need to look!" I looked up and saw a bright object flying, as it seemed to me, at a low altitude, long and thin, in shape closest to a cigar-shaped one.

It is difficult for me to estimate the flight speed, in any case, it was higher than the speed of the aircraft coming in for landing. He was clearly perceived as a material person; the lines forming a very clear outline of the body were straight. I find it difficult to compare the visible dimensions of the object with anything, but I felt that it was very large. The front part for about 1 \ 5 of the length of the cigar had a bevel to the nose, the nose was very thin, perhaps rounded, but I could not make out such small details.

the object glowed with a bright and even fiery orange color (the way a burning object glowed when the flame was gone), completely uniform over the entire surface. There were no structures or spots on the surface. There was also no halo, but the whole body was shrouded in a thin layer of grayish "veil" or fog. At the time of its appearance in the field of view, the object was at an angle of approximately 70 degrees to the horizon.

I watched the flight for about 10 seconds, while it flew almost over my head and disappeared behind the roof of the house. When the object passed through the zenith, its trajectory became downward. Maybe this is not really the case, but it seemed to me that he quickly began to descend. One more detail: I could clearly see that the receding rear part glowed more brightly (and in the same color), forming a small "tail", as if it were worth the engine running. The intensity of the glow has not changed.

The flight of the object was absolutely silent. I was overcome by a feeling of fear that did not go away for a long time. There was a feeling that an explosion was going to happen. I didn't experience any other unpleasant sensations.

I have not observed such phenomena in the past and in the future.

In conclusion, I want to say that despite all my efforts, unfortunately, I cannot even remember the month when I had to see this extraordinary phenomenon.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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