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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1720253250
Added Sat, 06/07/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
05.06.2024 01:00
амфитеатр Red Rocks
United States

At night, something unusual lit up the sky above the famous Red Rocks amphitheater in Colorado (USA). It wasn't a light show or fireworks, it was something... other.

On June 5, at about 1 a.m., a group of employees of the amphitheater witnessed an amazing phenomenon. An object appeared in the sky to the north, which they described as a "dark metal disk" with "three levels of windows", measuring several hundred feet.

"Hey, what's that over there? It looks like a spaceship," one of the employees exclaimed, drawing the attention of the others.

They saw a UFO hovering over the amphitheater. The object remained motionless for 30 seconds, then slowly began to disappear until it completely disappeared into the night sky.

"He didn't fly away, he just... he disappeared," the eyewitness continued. "It was not an airplane, not a satellite, not a drone. It was something else."

The event caused heated discussions among local residents and UFO enthusiasts. Some are skeptical of these reports, suggesting that it could be an optical illusion or a secret military device. However, those who saw the object with their own eyes are sure:

"There could be no mistake."

The question remains open: What was it really like? And why Red Rocks?

Original news

We saw a large disc shaped craft with three levels of windows. It hovered silently and then disappeared into thin air.

I was working at Red Rocks Amphitheater last night when one of our coworkers suddenly said to us, "Hey, what is that over there? It looks like a spaceship." We all turned to look in the direction he was pointing and sure enough, there was a UFO hovering about a half a mile to a mile north of red rocks. A dozen of us saw it. We all kept asking each other, "Are you seeing this too?" It was a resounding "yes" from everyone in the group.

What we saw was a classic disc shaped metallic craft that was several hundred yards long. It had three levels of windows, almost like really long 3 story office building. This thing was totally silent. It didn't make a sound. What's even crazier is that as soon as we all started noticing it and stopped what we were doing to pay attention to it, the craft tipped at an angle and slowly started moving belly-first to the east. Then it started fading away until it was invisible. It didn't shoot off into the distance. It simply dissolved into the ether. We all watched it vanish.

This was not a plane. It wasn't a satellite, a drone, or anything like that. There was no mistaking what this was: We all saw a giant disc shaped craft hovering a few hundred feet above the ground with three rows of windows and lights. Then we all saw it fade into nothing as soon as it knew it was being watched.
There were a dozen other people who saw it with me.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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